The Birds are Back — Lugia VSTAR After Rotation


Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Hello everyone! We’re now past our first event of the new post-rotation format, and while it may not have been a massive shake-up, the new format does appear to be an interesting one. Two new archetypes — Gardevoir ex and Miraidon ex — have joined the fray, and both did well at the European International Championship, finishing second and eighth, respectively.
Even with the new-deck excitement though, the post-rotation format was similar to what we had pre-rotation. Lost Box, Lugia VSTAR, Mew VMAX, and Arceus VSTAR all saw play at high rates, and...

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4x INVALID CARD SHORTCODE is such a good tech for running against Lost Box and Lugia mirrors, goes so hard.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I've fixed the error.