Ruling The Current Metagame


Aspiring Trainer
which cards do you consider part of the current metagame?
which are the "must" in any deck?
which the better combinations?

There is no 1 card found in every deck. Most deck uses the holon egine and holon's castaform as a starter, but nothing is set in stone.
It's not like Yu-Gi-Oh. Where you put the same cars in every deck. So when you make a deck there are suitable cards for the decks.
yes, but when i used to play there are some musts like "cleffa", "prof oak" and "computer search"
d y´undertand what i mean?
The closest things I can think of as being in the majority of decks out there are Windstorm, Rare Candy, Holon's Castform, and the Holon Engine in various stages. Latilock is incresingly popular, due to all the Ex based decks and disruptive pokebodies like Houndoom's Lonesome.
rodo_69 said:
yes, but when i used to play there are some musts like "cleffa", "prof oak" and "computer search"
d y´undertand what i mean?
Yes I understand. Back in the unlimited days those cards you listed were staples along with Item Finder, SER, Gust of Wind and other trainers. However the metagame today isn't exactly like that anymore. There are really only guidelines which people follow in terms of what their deck needs, since different decks use entirely different strategies the same trainer cards won't work the same for each deck.

Most people have some form of drawing: TV Reporter, Mary's Request, Copycat, Prof Oak's Research, Holon Adventurer. Trainers which search for Pokemon are staples, that usually includes Holon Mentor, Holon Researcher (for delta decks), Celio's Network or Prof. Elm's Training Method. Most people have 3-4 Stadium cards per deck. Then based on how much space you have left you can add in other cards like Holon Lass for energy searching, Castaway, Scott, Windstorm, etc.

Don't listen to people when they say every deck plays Holon's Castform and the Holon Engine, because it's entirely not true at all. Alot of decks do play them, but not all of them.
Not a single Pokemon is a true staple. Holon's Castform is trying, but doesn't work everywhere.

As for trainers, you could consider Holon Mentor one mainly. The rest tends to be based on how your deck is built. It is true though that a lot of decks can run the same framework.