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The curse gengar the amazing


Aspiring Trainer
This is my curse gar deck since i last posted this deck i found an amazing tech if people would of knew about this tech this may been apart of the meta game. This tech is shedninja its poke body is prevent all damage and effects done to shedinja by any pokemon with poke powers or poke bodys some people i tottaly shut down there game with this card.

Here is my deck list.

Pokemon 28

Three gastley sf
Three haunter ty
Two Gengar curse arceus
One gengar prime ty
One gengar x arceus
One jirachi RR
Two doduo sv
Two dodrio ud
Four spiritomb arceus
Two nincanda sv
Two shedinja sv
One uxie La
One zangoose PL
One gartina Pl strafe
One gartina x Platnium
One unkown q md

Trainers and supporters 19

Two expert belt
Three bebe's serch
Two pokemon communcation
Two interviewers questions
Two lookers investgation
One Professor oaks new theory
One copy cat
Two cyrus's initiative
Four pokemon collector

Energy 13

Four call energy
Nine psychich energy
I'd have Umbreon instead of Shedinja because DGX tears through this deck. It would shut down Shedinjas body, and Gengar Primes body.
Well you can level down dilga g x witch i did before and there is lookers investgation and cyrus's intintive to get rid of power spray's and i would recomend sending up shedinja for sp deck's i would send up spiritomb more offten.
Why for SP? They could just Bright Look/Dragon Rush/Luring Flame.
Well i noticed its not logical for them to use dragon rush much when you keep sending spiritomb as the active pokemon. And it just dosent work out well for them.
Well if they where spiritomb locked they couldnt use sp radar so they couldnt switch spiritomb out. Luring flame wouldnt be bad because you can just retreat and still attack with the curse gengar.
I've played cursegar with decent success (1800). I will spend more time going through your list later as I'm at work right now but I know you need to find a spot for 1 warp energy. If not, a good player in a high ranked game will end up chatterlocking you or something. Trust me! I'm not sure what you are doing with the rest of the list but umbreon seems like a better fit.
Fix the 'three's in the list to '3's. Then I'll help more. Other than that, Umbreon is better than shedninja and SP DOES run Bebe's. So trainer lock hurts, but isn't hard to get around.
Hatman. What do you mean by umbreon is better than shedinja you can keep retreating shedinja and do sixty or eighty damage with curse gar you can just do thirty or fiffty or sixty with umbreon and plus i would hafe to run a dark energy for umbreon.

drew and glaceon; I usually one shout sp pokemon with expert belt attached to curse gar and i really never seen them play bebe's serch when i play aginst sp decks.
thepliskin5005, if you've never seen Bebe's Search being played in SP decks, then you haven't been playing against good SP decks. Just about every SP deck in the format runs at least two Bebe's Search just in case the SP deck is up against a Trainer lock deck.
Yoshidude; You can levle down Dilga g x and i have cyru's intative and lookers investgartion to get rid of power sprays. Why are we only talking about sp matchups i beat sp decks before alright. Gliscore Ive seen them been played before but not when i was playing aginst them.
You dont understand Yoshidude you dont attack with shedinja you retreat shedinja and attack with curse gar then bring shedinja back to the active spot with curse gars attack.
(Umm, I do understand, I read your post) But why not attack with Umbreon? I'm really not trying to argue with you, but I'm trying to say that Umbreon IS the better choice IMO. There are certain decks that cry when they see Umbreon. It's an auto-loss for some. I know you don't want to attack with Shedinja, but it's not that hard for someone to get DGX back(S Radar, Bebe's, P. Comm). I'm gonna stop posting, but whether it helped you or not, that's up to you.
But your doing more damage with curse gar and i dont hafe to run dark energys and i would hafe to serch for a dark energy card if i did rum umbreon in my deck.
Ok so lets get down to what your counter will be when you play against any decent player...

Ill start with.. Someone figures out to Bright Look, RegiMove, or Reversal your Tina and then snipe around you or trainer lock?

My idea: Remove Tina or center the deck more around it. Add in AT LEAST 1 warp energy! This is vital!

Then, What will you do in a Mirror or Vilegar? IF you have Umbreon (instead of the Shed Ninja!), you will have a much better chance against Vilegar (if any) Vilegar will have some serious representation at any decent tourney. If you want to have a chance in this battle, ditch Gengar Prime and use a SF one. Sure will be nice to bring up a Fainting spell when your opponent has a belt pokemon knocking you out.

I still think this needs a lot of work. Ill keep looking into your TSS to see where you can improve there.

Take everyones advice and allow it to help you either improve your deck or appreciate your theory more.
