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The curse gengar the amazing


Aspiring Trainer
Ive been working on this deck for a long time and i have thought of insaine amount of combinatons for this deck. Like i can use cyrus's inative to look at there hand and also to take some thing out of there hand 'then i can use gengar's prime attack hurl in to darkness to take more stuff out of there hand. The curse gengars poke power is great with gengar prime attack cursed drop. Shedinja's pokebody cant stop damage and effects done to shedinja if the pokemon hase any poke power or poke body's.

This deck hase been winning me a lot of games aginst top cut players so please dont complain.

Here is my deck list.

Pokemon 25

Four spiritomb ar
one nincada sv
one shedinja sv
Two doduo sv
Two dodrio ud
One zangoose Pl
Three gastley sf
Three haunter tu
Two curse gengar ar
One gengar prime tu
One gengar x ar
One uxie La
One Garatina strafe PL
One garatina x PL
One jarachi RR

Trainers supporters and stadiums 22

Four pokemon collector
One P O N T
Two interviewers questions
Three bebe's serch
Two lost world
Two cyrus's Initiative
Two pokemon communication
Two expert belt
Two lookers investigation
Two copycat

Energy 13

Four call energy
Nine psychich
Hey, first off, you're spelling is awful.

Heres a nicer format:

3-3-2-1-1 Gengar X (Gastly SF, Haunter TU, 2 CurseGar, 1 Prime, 1 Lv. X)
4 Spiritomb
2-2 Shedinja SV
2-2 Dodrio UD
1 Zangoose Pl
1 Uxie La
1-1 Giratina x PL
1 Jirachi RR

Trainers, supporters, and stadiums 20

Four pokemon collector
Two interviewers questions
Three bebe's serch
One lost world
Two cycus's Initiative
Two pokemon communication
Two expert belt
Two lookers investigation
One copycat

Energy 13

Four call energy
Nine Psychic

Anyways, what are Zangoose and Giratina, let alone the X? Take them out for another uxie, and 2 Unown Q's (the origanal CurseGar was you switch with a Spiritomb to trainer lock them, so if you don't get knocked out, you can't retreat. Take out the Jirachi out for another Lost World because you will often win with Lost World, and if Lost World is prized, your in trouble. Lastly, take out the interveiwers and copycat for 3 Twins. Since your first tomb will probably get knocked out, Twins always comes in handy, letting you grab the final energy or Gengar Prime/X.
Well zangoose hase its first attack invite for one collerless you choose one of your oppoents benched pokemon bring it up and it does twenty damage to that pokemon. This requires one collerless energy.

Garatina first attack straf it does twenty damage and bring back garatina to the bench and bring up a new active pokemon. It requires one psychich and one collerless.

Its seond attack does fiffty damage and if one of your oppoents pokemon where knocked out by this attack that pokemon and all cards attached to it go to the lost zone. It requires one psychich and two collerless
But that doesn't explain why those cards in the decklist. Just telling us what they do doesn't help us.
CurseGar is slow anyways, that is making it slower because your opponent will be set-up even if they are running Dialgachomp, and you will doubtfully have a Gengar with {P}{P} on it.
Well zangoose brings up high retreat pokemon like regice and vioplume. And garatina can send pokemon to the lost zone so i could possibly win with lost world.

Glaceion im winning games with this deck i beat dilga chomp before.
Have you ever actually tested this? I mean, Giritina takes 4 energy to power up, then you gotta attack with it for like, 3 turns, until you knockout anything.

CurseGar is already slower than a rock on flypaper in this format, and I think those extra techs are hindering your ability to get set up consistently.
This deck isnt slowi can tell you that im winning games with deck like i said up top im winning most of my games with this deck.
Are you Junior or Senior? And are your opponents formidable, or just a random kid with a poorly made deck?
I'm going with the random kid story.

3-3-2-1-1 Gengar X (Gastly SF, Haunter TM,2 CurseGar, 1 Prime, 1 Lv. X)
4 Sableye
2-2 Shedinja SV
1-1 Dodrio UD
2 Uxie La
2-1 Gallade 4 X
1 Azelf

Trainers, supporters, and stadiums 20
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Twins
3 Bebe's Search
2 Lost World
2 Poke Turn
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Expert Belts
2 Lookers Investigation

Energy 13

3 Rescue Energy
8 Psychic
2 Darkness

Go with Gallade 4. 1 Damage counter on every one of your opponent's Pokemon. Other than that I just spruced up the trainers, to make it more consistent and fast. Sableye is a superior starter then Spiritomb (UNLESS you were running Gengar SF, which you're not, so go with spiritomb.
Other than that, I tried to keep your Pokemon line the same, since I guess Cursegar and Shedninja mesh fairly well with one another.
Well a lot of kids at my league are top cut seniors. I about beat the second place nationals winner with this deck' if lost world was out then i would of won.
Spencer? Lots at our league can beat Spencer and beating him once isn't much of an accomplishment
Have RS? I'd play you. At least take out the interveiwers for a twins and Unown Q. Its really useful, as stated above.
This is my new favourite thread. Ever.
I'm reasonably certain I could beat you with my stall deck. Max damage output IS 30.
The ONLY way I can win is if Time is called, or I deck them.

But back on topic:

Girantina X isn't awful by any means, but is outclassed by a lot of cards. Well, if you want a mill deck, for sure go with Girantina.
Shedninja is okay, but you could probaly go with ERL, and it'd do a better job. el oh el.
Lol'd at "el oh el"

Anyways, why do you have a single Jirachi in there? Take it out for a smeargle, because that can reapair bad hands really well. It also doesn't waste your turnto use the extra suppoter, and lets you see your opponents hand.
Okay psyduck i beat you before with my curse gar deck and i would of beaten you the other day if i top decked lost world.

And you say i only beat noobs i usually only play aginst people at our league who have been playing for years.
If you only have one Lost World in a deck, you won't top deck it when you need to.
Add on more, and a 1-1 Porygon 2 TM line.
Bam, lost world when you need it.
If you don't want advice (or will just turn down advice without even trying it), don't post a deck thread. We are trying to help you.

I have played exactly what you play. I don't recommend a Porygon2 because we already has a lot of bench space takers. Maybe take out the 1-1 Giratina for a 1-1 Porygon2, so you can get the stadium. Or, just take out the 2 interveiwers and 1-1 Giratina X or 4 Twins. Since a Spiritomb is almost always knocked out, Twins is very useful.
Well im thinking of takeing out garitina and garitina x and put a +1+1 slow king and i can find room for a mister mime junior.....I didnt say this yet but i tock out one shedinja and one nincanda and put in one lost world and one copycat.