Ive been working on this deck for a long time and i have thought of insaine amount of combinatons for this deck. Like i can use cyrus's inative to look at there hand and also to take some thing out of there hand 'then i can use gengar's prime attack hurl in to darkness to take more stuff out of there hand. The curse gengars poke power is great with gengar prime attack cursed drop. Shedinja's pokebody cant stop damage and effects done to shedinja if the pokemon hase any poke power or poke body's.
This deck hase been winning me a lot of games aginst top cut players so please dont complain.
Here is my deck list.
Pokemon 25
Four spiritomb ar
one nincada sv
one shedinja sv
Two doduo sv
Two dodrio ud
One zangoose Pl
Three gastley sf
Three haunter tu
Two curse gengar ar
One gengar prime tu
One gengar x ar
One uxie La
One Garatina strafe PL
One garatina x PL
One jarachi RR
Trainers supporters and stadiums 22
Four pokemon collector
One P O N T
Two interviewers questions
Three bebe's serch
Two lost world
Two cyrus's Initiative
Two pokemon communication
Two expert belt
Two lookers investigation
Two copycat
Energy 13
Four call energy
Nine psychich
This deck hase been winning me a lot of games aginst top cut players so please dont complain.
Here is my deck list.
Pokemon 25
Four spiritomb ar
one nincada sv
one shedinja sv
Two doduo sv
Two dodrio ud
One zangoose Pl
Three gastley sf
Three haunter tu
Two curse gengar ar
One gengar prime tu
One gengar x ar
One uxie La
One Garatina strafe PL
One garatina x PL
One jarachi RR
Trainers supporters and stadiums 22
Four pokemon collector
One P O N T
Two interviewers questions
Three bebe's serch
Two lost world
Two cyrus's Initiative
Two pokemon communication
Two expert belt
Two lookers investigation
Two copycat
Energy 13
Four call energy
Nine psychich