Well this deck is maid for the curse gengar it does sixty damage and ten to a benched pokemon then you can switch it out for one of you benched pokemon. I have jirachi shedinja spiritomb and gengar prime to send up as the active pokemon and dodrio helps me retreat every turn. I have Cyrus's anitive and lookers investgation to look at your oppoents hand this helps with gengars prime attack hurl in to darkness. Here is my deck list
Pokemon 24
2 jirachi RR This is great with cyrus's iniatiative
2 doduo sv
2 dodrio ud
3-3-1-2-1 gastley sf haunter tri curse gengar gengar prime gengar x
4 spiritomb ar
1 uxie
1-1 shedinja sv
1 uxie La
1 zangoose Pl
Trainers suppoers and stadiums 23
4 pokemon collector
4 cyrus's Initiative
2 lookers investagrion
2 expert belt
3 bebe's serch
2 pokemon communication
2 copy cat
1 p o n t
2 interviewers questions
1 lost world
Energys 13
9 psychich
4 call energy
Pokemon 24
2 jirachi RR This is great with cyrus's iniatiative
2 doduo sv
2 dodrio ud
3-3-1-2-1 gastley sf haunter tri curse gengar gengar prime gengar x
4 spiritomb ar
1 uxie
1-1 shedinja sv
1 uxie La
1 zangoose Pl
Trainers suppoers and stadiums 23
4 pokemon collector
4 cyrus's Initiative
2 lookers investagrion
2 expert belt
3 bebe's serch
2 pokemon communication
2 copy cat
1 p o n t
2 interviewers questions
1 lost world
Energys 13
9 psychich
4 call energy