TCG Fakes The Custom PTCG Plugin (Lackey) - A fully-original, custom card Pokémon TCG format!


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Ever dreamt of using original Pokémon cards in real games? Do you want a change of pace from an official, familiar meta? Look no further — this is the program for you!

Welcome to the Custom Pokémon TCG Plugin page! This plugin allows you to use custom Pokémon trading cards online through your desktop, laptop or iPad. It runs on a downloadable card game simulator, LackeyCCG, in the style of a 'manual PTCGO' with its own original format. The card library is supported by works of the Faking Community and predominantly features completed expansions, promo sets and Create-A-Card submissions.

© 1995-2019 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK Inc. Pokémon and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. This is NOT an officially endorsed tool.

1) Download, Expansions, & Suggesting New Cards
2) Plugin User-Guide
3) FAQ, Credits, & Update Log

Download LackeyCCG at:
Find the Custom Pokémon TCG plugin at:

Download steps:
  • Copy this link:
  • Go to the Plugin panel in LackeyCCG and click the Paste AutoUpdate URL button.
  • Hit the Install or Update from URL button.
  • Go to the Preferences panel and click Appearance. Click Browse zone images and Browse table images and select the customptcg.jpg backgrounds.
The plugin should begin installing! It should also automatically update when new versions are released. If it doesn't update, then just use the above method to manually install updates.

Please note that LackeyCCG is a third-party software and so all the usual disclaimers apply. All downloads on the droppages site were produced by bbninjas.

Who Updates This?
A Council maintains the plugin and updates it with selected works from time to time. The current members of the Council are: bbninjas, CardPone, DoubleAACE, Jabberwock, & Nyan. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact them here.

Expansions & Formats
SEE ALL CARDS HERE - [Lackey Gallery of Cards spreadsheet]

This section lists information on each original 'set' or 'expansion' that has been included in this plugin thus far. Due to the occasional rule change (refer to Table 1) and the presence of power-creep, we have segregated these expansions into era-based formats. These are:

Classic (Classic, Gym, Neo, E-card)
--to be announced--

EX-era (ex)
--to be announced--


Expanded Modern (BW, XY, SM)

Table 1 — Rules for each format:

There is also an Unlimited format where anything goes, which uses Modern rules. Cards designed for custom eras will be included in the format that best fits. See this visual representation of all cards in format.

How to Submit New Cards

We’re getting more and more people interested in submitting sets for Lackey — which is great to see! — so we wanted to clarify a few things about the process:

How do I submit my set for council review?

Sets are submitted via PokéBeach PM. This is so that we have a record of the submission, and don’t misplace the set under a bunch of other messages on Discord. Make sure to include bbninjas, CardPone, DoubleAACE, Jabberwock, Nyan, and The Ωmega One as participants on the PM.

The PM should contain:
  • a link to a (preferred), deviantART gallery, or Google Drive folder with the set in question
  • the Lackey format (DPPt or Expanded Modern) that your set is intended for
  • a way to contact you (Discord tag is fine)

How many cards can I submit at once?

There are no formal limits, but be reasonable. The smallest set we’ve ever accepted was 5 cards and the largest was 217, but each of those sets had something unifying them in a way stronger than just “these are some cards I made”. For the average set, 80-130 cards is a good ballpark range.

When will my set get reviewed? When will I hear back?

When you submit your set for review, it gets added to a queue. Priority is given to those who don’t already have sets in Lackey, which basically means that if you’re a new submitter, your set will be moved up in the queue ahead of everyone who isn’t.

First, we’ll make the preliminary decision of whether to review your set or not. If we decline to review it, it means it needs substantial work beyond what we could fix in a normal review process. At this point, we’ll make clear what you can do to fix it, and the opportunity is still open to re-submit at a later date. Either way, we’ll let you know whether we’re accepting or declining your set in about a week after it reaches the front of the queue. Feel free to prod us if it takes longer.

If your set is accepted for review, you’ll temporarily receive the Lackey Review role on Discord, which gets you into a new channel where you’ll be looped into the review process. This way, you’re privy to all the conversations about your set and you retain some amount of executive power over how stuff gets changed. This is something we were glad to do with rex in his recent review, and it seems like a good solution for everyone going forward.

At this point, it’s very likely we’ll eventually implement it into Lackey, but we do take a while on the review process! At the moment, our average review time for an average set is about 3 months (including breaks between set implementations). It’s important that we look at each card in a set and carefully consider how it will play out in the Lackey metagame, so please be patient.

And that’s basically all there is to it! We’ll let you know as soon as your set has finished review, and it will be implemented in Lackey shortly afterward. Best of luck, and happy faking!

Currently under review:

@Jabberwock's BW: Plasma Revival
@steffenka's SM: Prismatic Kingdom
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In Detail: Using the Plugin

You can use the LackeyCCG platform without reading this guide. Our best advice would be to just open Lackey and play around!

The plugin is pretty easy to get the hang of, though the interface can feel a bit unfamiliar at first. If you're the reading type, here's a comprehensive user guide packed with secret tips and tricks - and if you're ever confused, you'll probably find the relevant information here.

1) Starting a New Game
2) Using the Deck Editor
3) Using the Game Window
4) Playing a Game


Starting a New Game
Before following this tutorial, make sure you have downloaded both the LackeyCCG simulator and the Custom Pokémon Plugin.

Step 1: Open LackeyCCG. The program should open to a Main Menu, or the 'Game' window by default. You should see a blank 'playing space', the card viewer and some other zones, but don't worry about this right now.

Step 2: Load the pokemon_custom plugin. Open the 'Plugin' tab located at the top of the program. To load the plugin for the first time, click Browse installed plugins. A new window with a list should pop-up. Select pokemon_custom from the list and click Choose to load the plugin. NOTE: If you don't see a list, click Open Directory and select the folder where you downloaded the plugin.

Step 3: Build Your Deck. Open the 'Deck Editor' tab to access the deck builder. Make sure that you have exactly 60 cards in your deck and that you have no more than 4 cards of the same name (excluding Basic Energy cards).

Step 4: Host/ Join a Game. Open the 'Server' tab and click Connect to server. Once connected, you should see an 'All Games' list on the right. To join a game, click the game on this list that you wish to join and choose Join Selected Game.

To start a new game, click Host a game. You should see a pop-up with default settings, which do not need changing for Pokémon games. Choose Host a game! when done.

Step 5: Load a Deck to Game. Open the Deck Editor again. Click Load entire deck to you , making sure that Load to deck is selected. Your deck will load to the 'Deck' zone in the game window.

Step 6: Start Playing! Open the 'Game' tab. Once you and your opponent have joined the game and loaded your decks, you may begin playing. Remember that LackeyCCG is a manual simulator, meaning you will need to click buttons / drag & drop to draw cards, play cards, add damage counters and flip coins, etc.

Using the Deck Editor
The image below and the relevant annotations explains the most important elements of the Deck Editor. A more detail explanation can be found on the LackeyCCG website: [link].


1. Open an old / new deck. Click the New Deck button to reset the deck editor. Click the Open Recent button to browse for a new deck. You can rename your decks in the white space located under these buttons.
2. Total card count. The deck editor displays the total number of cards in your deck on this tab.
3. Add / Remove cards. Double click a card in the All Cards tab to add it to the Deck tab. Alternatively, click the +1 or -1 buttons (in green) on the relevant tabs to add / remove cards.
4. Save a deck. Click the Save deck to save your deck.
5. Load a deck. Click this button once you've joined a game to load a deck to the Game Window. Make sure that Load to your: is set to Deck, else the cards will be sent to the wrong zone.
6. Advanced card search. Select one of the filters. Enter some search terms in the pop-up and close the pop-up window. Keep in mind that the filters look for an 'exact match', although letter case does not matter.

Using the Game Window
A more detailed explanation of the Game Window can be found on the LackeyCCG website: [link].


The interface of the game window is highly customisable. You can adjust the size of each window by right-click and dragging the thin bar-shaped borders. If any of these sections are not visible, look for a 'thin bar' where the zone would be and click-and-drag to extend.

1. Settings. These settings control how the Game Mat is displayed. We recommend using Zoom: 100%, Scale: 120% and Tilt: 20° for optimal results.
2. Game Mat. Drag-and-drop cards from your Hand and Deck into this space to 'play' them. Also drag cards into this space to 'show' them to your opponent. The game mat has space for Active Pokémon, Benched Pokémon and a Stadium card.
2.1. Selection Tool. Left-click and drag the cursor to mass select cards on the game mat. This is important for moving stacked cards (i.e. stacked Evolutions / Energy / Tools) in a single click.
3. Card Viewer. Hover over a card to see it in the card viewer. Note that reducing the size of this window will make cards harder to read.
4. Deck / Discard / Prize / Lost Zone. To toggle between zones, click the relevant tabs located just above the zone window. You can drag-and-drop cards from here to the Game Mat and vice versa.
5. Player Box. This box contains information about the number of cards that is in each player's zones. Although you don't need to do this to successfully play a game, it is good practice to click the white arrow at the top right when you finish your turn so your opponent knows.
6. Game Chat / Log. This is an instant-message chat between you and your opponent. Actions that either player takes will also be logged in this box.
7. Zones (Vertical View). This window functions the same as the Deck / Discard / Prize / Lost Zone window. It is recommended to have this window show your opponent's zones. To do this, click the drop-down in the top-right (near the avatar) and select your opponent's name. If done correctly, you should only be able to see the back of your opponent's cards unless they reveal their hand.

Playing the Game
There are several buttons that automate basic actions like moving cards between zones, coin flipping, adding damage and revealing your cards. Continuing reading see the hidden importance of the Move, Reveal to Owner and Turn Over options.

1. Commonly Used Buttons. An array of buttons that will be regularly used in your games are located above the Zone Window. Notable buttons include:
----> Draw a card. Draw 1 card from your deck.
----> Flip a Coin. Flip a coin, the result posted in the Chat Log.
----> Add a Prize / Take a Prize. Self-explanatory.
----> Add / Remove Damage Counters. Select the Pokémon whose damage you would like to adjust before clicking these buttons.

2. Player Box Drop-Down. Right-click a zone in the Player Box to access this drop-down.
----> Move > (top / bottom) > (number). Use this option if you ever accidentally move cards to the wrong zone (e.g. to your Prizes instead of your Discard). If this happens, check the log. For example, if cards were moved to the bottom, then select Move > Bottom > (number of cards that need moving).

3. Zone Drop-Down. Right-click a zone in the Zone Box to access this drop-down.
----> Shuffle.
----> Reveal to Owner > All. Use this to search your deck.
----> Reveal to Owner > NONE & Shuffle. Use this once you've finished searching your deck.
----> Reveal to All > All. Use this when revealing your hand (or the like) to your opponent.

4. Card Drop-Down. Right-click a card either on the Game Mat or in a zone to access this drop-down.
----> Turn Over. A very useful tool during set-up. To put Pokémon face-down, turn over the Pokémon in your hand and drag them to the Game Mat. This will place them face-down instead of face-up.
----> Add (Special Condition). You can also double click a card to rotate it for Paralysis, Asleep and Confusion.
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Q: I want to play a game with someone, but I don't know who!
A: Ask around in this thread or at the PokeBeach Discord or the Faking Community Discord server. Someone's normally up for a game!

Q: I found a bug or error! How do I report it?
A: You may report any bugs or errors in this thread, or you may contact @bbninjas via private message.

Q: I think a card is OP, broken or of an unhealthy design. What can I do?
A: Broken designs undermine fun and vibrant formats, and we can't have that!. If there is a card or combination that you think is overpowered or broken, please contact a member of Council and we will investigate. If deemed necessary, we might nerf or ban the card.

Q: How can text-based fakers become involved in this project?
A: Every card will need an image counterpart, so standalone text-based spoilers can't be included. However, you can certainly make suggestions and help image-based fakers design new content.

Q: Can I suggest cards depicting ‘Fakemon’?
A: Absolutely! We look to incorporate works from the entire faking community.

Q: Can I suggest cards that do not depict Pokémon?
A: Unfortunately not. This plugin is designed in the spirit of the official game, and so all cards should be of Pokémon or Fakemon.

Q: I have a different idea / suggestion!
A: You may make suggestions in this thread, whether it be about new features, the format, the card library or other processes. You may also contact a member of Council privately.

This project could not be imagined without the ongoing support of the Faking Community, who have contributed their time, resources, expertise and personal projects for use by the broader community.

These members have had instrumental roles in the plugin's development: aschefield101, bbninjas, Jabberwock, KnightOfDust (rex), NinjaPenguin, Nyan, Nyora, PMJ, The Omega One, Snoops, steffenka, VioletValkyrie, Zygarde.

Update Log

June 16th: Version 2.1.1 - Balancing updates issued for Plasma Revival, Lost Zone "copycats" and High Stakes trainers. [release info]
May 6th, '24: Version 2.1.0 - Added BW Plasma Revival, designed by Jabberwock. Add new marker and redesigned Entropic Energy. [release info]

June 9th: Version 2.0.1 - Bug fixes.
April 25th, '22: Version 2.0.0 - Overhauled the DPPt+ format with over 400+ cards courtesy of the amazing PMJ. [release info].

June 2nd: Version 1.0.0 - Added SM Lost Wonders, a community-made set. Added Rare Candy (SMP). [release info].
April 12th: Version 0.9.2 - Balancing updates issued for Goodra-GX, Vespiquen (RXS), Monferno (RXS) and Floatzel (RXS) [release info].
February 28th: Version 0.9.1 - Implemented several errata and balancing updates for High Stakes and other sets [release info].
February 1st: Version 0.9.0 - Added SM High Stakes by PMJ. Bug fixes. [release info]
January 12th, '21: Version 0.8.2 - Implemented several errata and balancing updates [release info].

December 21st: Version 0.8.1 - Bug fixes.
December 12th: Version 0.8.0 - Added SM Legacy Collection: Sinnoh by KnightofDust. Several balancing updates. [release info]
April 9th: Version 0.7.0 - Implemented several errata and balancing updates [release info].
January 17th, '20: Version 0.6.0 - Moved file host from DropBox to Amazon AWS. Use this new update link: Added Forgotten Allies by PMJ.

November 15th: Version 0.5.0 - Added Ultra Invasion by TheOmegaOne.
September 7th: Version 0.4.0 - Added Festive Battles by steffenka and Spectral Relics by Jabberwock. Errata'd Kangaskhan (UNH), Machamp (WK), Meteor Falls (WK) and Ho-Oh (WK) [release info]. Other minor bug fixes.
May 6th: Version 0.3.1 - Bug fixes for cards PokeBall, Red's Quest, Hive Energy, Hoopa and Hoopa Abound in Welkin. Errata'd Chimecho (SAB) and Salamance (SAB) [release info]. Other minor bug fixes.
May 2nd: Version 0.3.0 - Posted OP and official release of plugin. Added Welkin by Zygarde.
March 9th, '19: Version 0.2.0 - Unofficial release of plugin. Added Platinum: Unsung Heroes by PMJ and Skies Abound by Jabberwock.
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So this is what you've been hinting at. I'm glad to see that this is finally becoming a thing!

What's the minimum size for submissions?

Also, are OC's Pokémon (Alex's Dunsparce, etc.) allowed? Things might get confusing if more than 1 OC shared the same name, so I'm not sure if it would be the best idea...
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What's the minimum size for submissions?
While there is no technical minimum, I would recommend submitting at least 10 cards at a time. If you have an entire portfolio of cards, you can absolutely submit all of them - and in fact, it's probably preferred to be this way (if convenient enough) for completeness sake. If you have had your portfolio added to the plugin and end up creating one or two more cards down track, you could submit just those two cards and that would be completely encouraged too.

Also, are OC's Pokémon (Alex's Dunsparce, etc.) allowed? Things might get confusing if more than 1 OC shared the same name, so I'm not sure if it would be the best idea...
OC's (and Fakemon for the record) would be fine. I think there will be a few instances where card names will clash, and not just for OCs - Trainer cards will be an occasional issue. We'll just deal with any issue when we come across them.
While there is no technical minimum, I would recommend submitting at least 10 cards at a time. If you have an entire portfolio of cards, you can absolutely submit all of them - and in fact, it's probably preferred to be this way (if convenient enough) for completeness sake. If you have had your portfolio added to the plugin and end up creating one or two more cards down track, you could submit just those two cards and that would be completely encouraged too.

OC's (and Fakemon for the record) would be fine. I think there will be a few instances where card names will clash, and not just for OCs - Trainer cards will be an occasional issue. We'll just deal with any issue when we come across them.
By size, I meant dimensions. In other words, what's the largest size (in pixels) that the program displays cards?

Additionally, does/will the program include a dice-roll function?
By size, I meant dimensions. In other words, what's the largest size (in pixels) that the program displays cards?
Oh, right! The optimal dimensions are 373 x 523 (a handful of pixels eitherway is fine as well). Anything larger would just get reduced down to that size, which is a simple process during implimentation.

Additionally, does/will the program include a dice-roll function?
It doesn't at the moment, but it could be easily added.
Version 0.3.1 has been released! This release has important bug fixes for cards that weren't appearing in the plugin, including Welkin's PokeBall, Hive Energy, Hoopa, Hoopa Unbound and Red. Some text files have been fixed.

The following cards have also been errata'd:
Chimecho (SAB): Poke-Power: Reverberate. [The Ability to use 4 Supporter cards per turn enables reliable Turn 1 wins in conjunction with Ho-Oh Legendary (WK).]
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Chimecho is on your Bench, you may discard Chimecho and all cards attached to it. (This doesn’t count as a Knocked Out Pokemon.) Then, if you have a Supporter card in play, use the effect of that card as the effect of this power.

[...] Knocked Out Pokemon.) Then, search your discard pile for a Supporter card with the same name as 1 of your Supporter cards in play, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand.
Salamence (SAB): Poke-Power: Flying Lessons. [Salamence can accelerate upwards of 6+ Energy per turn once set up.]
[...] evolving that Pokemon.) Then, search your deck for up to 3 basic Energy cards and attach them to that Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward. [...]

[...] evolving that Pokemon.) Then, search your deck for a basic Energy card and attach it to that Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward. [...]

The plugin should update automatically. If there are any issues, contact myself or another member of council!
Just wondering, does the Testing Dummy ever actually do anything? So far I haven't even been able to play as the dummy, let alone have it play by itself (which I don't expect is realistically going to happen), so all I've been able to do so far is play solitaire hands against a wall.

In essence, I guess I'm asking is there a way to get a second deck into play when you are on your own?
I've never had trouble playing as the dummy, just by clicking on the profile pic in game to switch to it.
Once I did that, all actions that work for you now work for the dummy instead, and you can click on your own portrait to switch back.
Oh, yeah! I've noticed! I'll see what went wrong as that shouldn't have happened. @DoubleAACE

Also, what do you think of leaving empty slots for the cards that hasn't been created yet for a set?
I think it works, apart from the fact that iirc Welkin won't actually be finished since I don't think Zy's making cards anymore.
Version 0.4.0: Expanded Modern has been released! This release includes two new sets for the Expanded Modern format (BW, XY and SM eras): Winchfall 2 Spectral Relics (by @Jabberwock), and SM Festive Battles (by @steffenka), featuring original Undellan Pokemon. Additionally, some text files have been updated.

The following cards have also been errata'd:
Kangaskhan (UNH): Poke-Power: Parental Control. [The Ability had potential to majorly disrupt Evolution-based decks and prevent opponents from attacking, especially in conjunction with Staraptor (UNH).]
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, move a basic Energy card attached to 1 of your opponent's Evolved Pokemon to another of your opponent's Pokemon. This power can't be used if Kangaskhan is affected by a Special Condition.

[...] If heads, choose a basic Energy card attached to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. Your opponent moves that Energy from that Pokemon to another of their Pokemon. This power can't be used if Kangaskhan is affected by a Special Condition.
Machamp (WK): Punch Storm [Punch Storm was dispropotionately underpowered, especially after changes to Meteor Falls. ]
Does 10 more damage times the number of Energy attached to each of your Benched Pokemon.

Does 20 more damage times the number of Energy attached to each of your Benched Pokemon.
Meteor Falls (WK) [Meteor Falls acted as Energy attachment, which resulted in ambigious rulings when Retreating. Potential to be exploited.]
Each Pokemon in play has [C] Energy more attack to it.

The attack cost of each Pokemon (both yours and your opponent’s) is [C] less.
Ho-Oh (WK): Poke-Power: From the Ashes [Ho-Oh decks could consistently reduce their deck to zero by the fourth turn thanks to a combination of Cinnabar Mansion, Revive, Professor Oak and Blaziken (WK).]
When you draw Ho-Oh at the beginning of your turn (before putting it into your hand), you may reveal it. If you have 0 cards in your deck, you may choose to win the game.

When you draw Ho-Oh at the beginning of your turn (before putting it into your hand), you may reveal it. If you have exactly 7 cards in your deck, you may choose to win the game.

The plugin should update automatically. If there are any issues, contact myself or another member of council!
Version 0.5.0: Platinum: Ultra Invasion has been released! This release includes a new miniset for the DPPt-era format: Ultra Invasion, which features Ultra Beast Pokemon. This set will definitely shake up the current format.

The plugin should update automatically. If there are any issues, contact myself or another member of council!
Version 0.6.0: SM: Forgotten Allies is out! This set by PMJ is will brings a ton of new Trainers and Pokemon that will stabilise the Expanded Modern format.

THIS VERSION WILL NOT UPDATE AUTOMATICALLY: The old updatelist.txt link is no longer functioning.

Instead, click the Plugin tab on Lackey and paste this new url ( into the "Paste AutoUpdate URL" field (see below). We've had to move all of the plugin's files to a more reliable host, Amazon AWS, since the previous host was a bit unreliable.


If there's any issues, let myself or someone from the council know!
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Version 0.7.0: Balancing Update has been released! This release fixes a number of balance issues in the Expanded Modern era and reworks a number of card designs. It also adds some staple trainer promos designed by @Nyan, which should speed things up a bit.

The following cards have been significantly errata'd:
Quick Claw (FAL). [Enabled donks.]
The Pokemon this card is attached to, except Pokemon-GX or Pokemon-EX, can attack on your first turn and its attacks cost [P] less.

If you have more Prize cards remaining than your opponent, the attacks of the Pokemon this card is attached to cost [P] less.
When you attach this card from your hand to your Active Pokemon, flip a coin. If heads, that Pokemon can attack during your first turn.
Final Laser, Disorderly, Gear Grind [Updated to be less splashable in non-Metal type decks.]
[...] and ignore all Energy in this attack's cost.

[...] and this attack can be used for [M].
Dying Breath.
WAS: If this Pokemon would be Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attacks [...]
NOW: If this Pokemon would be Knocked Out [...]
Illusion Control. [The Ability prevented the use of all other Abilities in such a way that could not be countered by an opponent, creating an unfun meta.]
WAS: [...] during your opponent's next turn, each of your opponent's Pokemon in play [...] has no Abilities [...]

NOW: [...] during your opponent's next turn, each of your opponent's Pokemon-EX in play [...] has no Abilities [...]
Dragon Tailwind. [Accelerates Energy too quickly.]
WAS: [...] from your hand onto your Bench, you may flip a coin. If heads, look at the top 4 cards of your deck. Choose any Energy cards you find there and [...]
NOW: [...] from your hand onto your Bench, you may reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is an Energy card, attach it to 1 of your Pokemon. [...]
Psych Revert. [The capacity to discard most evolved Pokemon meant that evolutions were not viable in the meta, which is undesirable. Gardevoir now puts all Evolutions into the hand, giving it an advantage of other Stage 2 decks.]
WAS: [...] devolve 1 of your opponent's evolved Pokemon and discard the highest Stage Evolution card on it.
NOW: [...] devolve 1 of your opponent's evolved Pokemon and put all Evolution cards on it into your opponent's hand.
Mummy. [Splashable Ability blockers on a Basic contribute to an unfun meta during early stages of the format.]
WAS: If this Pokemon has any damage counters on it, each Pokemon in play has no Abilities (except for Mummy).
NOW: Prevent all effects of your opponent’s Abilities done to this Pokémon.
Big Nugget. [Unprecedented draw on an Item.]
WAS: Discard your hand and draw 4 cards.
NOW: You may play up to 4 Big Nugget cards at once.
Draw 1 card. Then draw 2 cards for each other Big Nugget card you played.

The following Pokemon had changes to the damage output of an attack:
Absol (SPR): Night Strike. Base damage is 10x instead of 20+.
Toxicroak-GX (FBA): Lingering Toxins. Base damage is 100 instead of 170.
Darmanitan-GX (FBA): Heated Punch. Base damage is 120 instead of 160.

The following Pokemon had changes to their HP:
Cofagrigus (FBA): HP is now 120 instead of 140.
Sawk (FBA): HP is now 90 instead of 120.
Throh (FBA): HP is now 120 instead of 140.
Drampa (FBA): HP is now 120 instead of 140.

The plugin should update automatically. If it does not, use the link: If there are any issues, contact myself or another member of council!