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The Dark Night (Yveltal EX / Malamar EX / Noivern)


Duck w/ Leek
This is my first post on the Pokebeach forums! Hoorah! I was mostly looking for someone to critique the deck I've been working on. It's the first real deck I've made since I used to play back in the fourth gen, so I'm sure there's a lot of room for improvement. All help is greatly appreciated!

  • 2 Malamar EX
    2 Yveltal XY
    2 Yveltal EX
    1 Darkrai XYBSP
    1 Darkrai EX
    2-2 Noivern FuFi
    2-2 Honchkrow PhF

  • 2 Shadow Circle
    2 Prof Sycamore
    2 Pokemon Center Lady
    2 Shauna
    2 Energy Retrieval
    2 Professor’s Letter
    2 Trick Coin
    1 Town Map
    2 Tierno
    1 Trevor
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Muscle Band
    1 Caitlin
    1 Lysandre
    1 Switch
    1 Lysandre’s Trump Card
    2 Energy Switch

  • 10 Darkness Energy
    3 DCE
    3 Psychic Energy

Basically, there's no real bad start. Best case scenario is Darkrai EX on the bench to keep everyone else consistently switching around.
Noivern spreads damage to all the Pokemon, Yveltal retrieves energy from the discard. Malamar, Darkrai and Honchkrow all continuously put my opponent to sleep, allowing easy hits.
Ideally, Yveltal EX will be active and hitting for a lot of damage from the amount of energy. Malamar is able to do that as well in a pinch, though less reliably than Yveltal.
Hello there, you have a great idea here. If you play for fun and have no intention of getting involved competitively, don't take my advice too seriously.
-2 Malamar EX
-1 Darkrai XY22
-2-2 Noivern line
-1 PCL
-2 Shauna
-2 Shadow Circle
-2 Energy Retrieval
-1 Prof Letter
-2 Trick Coin
-1 Town Map
-2 Tierno
-1 Trevor
-1 PFC
-1 Caitlin
-1 LTC
-2 Energy Switch
-2 Darkness
-3 Psychic
+1 Yveltal EX
+2 Sycamore
+4 N
+3 Ultra Ball
+4 Hypnotoxic Laser
+2 Virbank City Gym
+1 Computer Search
+1-2 Seismitoad EX
+1 DCE
If you make all the changes I suggest, you'll be left with 10-11 open spots, wich you can use to make your deck fit you more. While making changes, I tried to respect your playstyle as much as I could without hurting consistency a lot.
First off, the Pokémon.
-Malamar EX is meh, but really interesting. Great potential damage, but that's everything it is, POTENTIAL. You'd need tons of energy to OHKO an EX with it. It's not even good to put stuff to sleep, as it takes your turn attachment and Dark Patch isn't tournament legal.
-The Yveltals are fine, though I'd run one more Yveltal EX.
-For the Darkrai, I'm assuming it's the XY22 Promo, wich has the attack Hypnoblast that deals 30 damage and puts the enemy to sleep for [D][C]. Again, it's something you cannot afford without Dark Patch, and even with it I don't think this should be played. Doing just 30 for 2 attachments just isn't worth it.
-Darkrai EX is pretty good, nothing to say about the count.
-Now, the Stage 1 lines. In this format, you cannot afford to run more than 1 Stage 1/2 line, and only run it in a 2-2 split. Noivern's Ability is interesting, but its attack is VERY underwhelming for the format. 30 damage to all benched for 3 manual attachments is way too much. So don't run these.
-Honchkrow is rather decent, dealing 20 and putting opp to sleep for 1 [D]. The only problem is that it's a Stage 1. If you absolutely want the focus of the deck to be putting your opp to sleep, then keep it, it's not too bad.
-Shadow Cirlce. Useful to cover your weaknesses, but you're better off running Virbank City Gym.
-Sycamore to 4. 'Nuff said.
-Pokemon Center Lady....hmmmmm.....meh. this would be great, except that Accelgor isn't a thing anymore. You could run 1 as a tech for Seismitoad EX, you never know.
-N completely outclasses Shauna. Once N is rotated, you could think about this.
-Energy Retrieval does not deserve a spot in any deck not named Keldeo EX or Rayboar.
-Professor's Letter is useful, but 1 is all you'll need, you're not Rayboar or Keldeo.
-Trick Coin. You won't be running anything that flips coins, so you don't need this.
-I don't see the utility of Town Map in this deck. If this was Virgen, maybe, but....
-Tierno. These kind of Supporters cannot be played this format, they're waaaaaaaaaay too slow.
-Trevor is completely outclassed by Ultra Ball, as it does not use your Supporter for the turn.
-Pokemon Fan Club, doesn't really convince me, but leave it at 1.
-1 more Muscle Band.
-Caitlin is a bad Supporter. Interesting, but bad.
-Lysandre is good.
-Idk why you would want a Switch in this deck, but I guess you can keep it at 1.
-Lysandre's Trump Card gives your opp their resources back, and you shouldn't really run out of resources.
-I don't feel like anything other than Virgen should run Energy Switch. I haven't tested it in anything else, so I can't really comment on this.
-Dude, Virgen runs 10 Grass cz they burn it fast. With Yveltal XY, and Yveltal EX as your main attacker, you don't need this much energy. Yyou should be fine with 8.
-If you run Yveltal EX, you run 4 DCE.
-Psychic energy in a dark deck...??? It could open up spots for techs, but meh, Yveltal EX is pretty solid without them.
Hope this helps!
Another idea would be adding VS Seekers to grab the supporters used in your discard.
Thanks for your help! I rolled with some of your suggestions. I did decide against adding in a couple of things you recommended (Virbank, Seismitoad), and I did choose to leave a few things in (With all those extra slots I had to fill 'em up somehow...), and I did choose to add a couple of things you didn't mention.
Biggest changes:
Removed Noivern
Added hypnotoxic
+ VS Seeker
+ Head Ringer (I figure it works well with Yveltal, forcing the opponent to have at least one more energy to add another 20 damage)
- A few copies of various trainers

I decided to leave in Malamar EX. Trick Coin gives me an extra shot at high damage, energy switch lets me put the opponent to sleep before giving the energy to the active attacker.
Np! I'd like to see the new version of the deck XD You haven't updated the OP....
Why add lasers but not Virbank..?
Btw, Energy Switch doesn't trigger Malamar's Ability.