pokemon 21
2 celffa
3-3-3 - Hydreigon
2-2 Zoroark
2-2 Mandibuzz
2 tornadus
3 p.com
2 j.arm
2 p.juniper
3 N
3 Cheren
2 Switch
3 Collecter
2 Catcher
2 S.rod
2 Rcky helmet
2 + power
4 sp. dark
3 Dark
To be honest i dont have a particular startegy to this but Dces work for both hydreigon and Zoroark so i thought 4 was nesseracy.
Zoroark - foul play is great for using peoples tatics against them
hydreigon- with two dces he can speard 140 on the oppents board
Mandibuzz- Snipe !!!
2 celffa
3-3-3 - Hydreigon
2-2 Zoroark
2-2 Mandibuzz
2 tornadus
3 p.com
2 j.arm
2 p.juniper
3 N
3 Cheren
2 Switch
3 Collecter
2 Catcher
2 S.rod
2 Rcky helmet
2 + power
4 sp. dark
3 Dark
To be honest i dont have a particular startegy to this but Dces work for both hydreigon and Zoroark so i thought 4 was nesseracy.
Zoroark - foul play is great for using peoples tatics against them
hydreigon- with two dces he can speard 140 on the oppents board
Mandibuzz- Snipe !!!