I know that this may sound crazy, but ever since the hex maniac ban was announced, I've been testing a deck for expanded. The deck centers around 2 Pokemon that you would never think to play: Flashfire Pyroar and Evolutions Mew. Don't worry, this isn't some joke intended to waste your time, this is actually a good deck. The point of the deck is to play pokemon that your opponent can't hit. In addition to the main 2, the deck also runs Shining Legends Hoopa, Plasma Freeze Latias EX, and Ultra Prism Xurkitree GX. With these pokemon, you can prevent a large number of meta expanded decks from ever attacking you. Combine this with cards like plumeria/flare grunt, lusamine, delinquent, and rocket's handiwork, and you can win a lot of games without even thinking. I highly recommend at least giving this deck a chance if you like to play mill decks. If anyone is interested in a decklist, I will happily share mine.