The Double Set Tournament

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its back boys and girls
Well, this tourney is all about using cards from only 2 sets each round. There are currently 8 sets in the format, so it will even out. It's not very complicated, you can use any cards from any set as long as they fit in the round's style. For example, if the round only allows the use of cards from Platinum and Stormfront, then that's all the cards you can use. But then you say, 'What about needed supporters like Bebe's and Roseanne's? How are we gonna use those and make a good deck?' Be creative, when the set comes you can use those cards. This will go into top cut and stuff, so yeah, have fun!

Now for the POP cards. I am banning the use of them, meaning POP8, since the other ones are just reprints.

Since there will be 4 rounds, we will go into the top cut of 4. Simple.


-Please don't argue about who won or lie about that. If you feel the need to, copy the RS log so problems won't arise.
-Play fairly. If anybody is caught cheating but putting cards not form the correct set will be disqualified, unless a legitimate reason is given.
-If you do not finish your battle by a week, you will be disqualified. (Not both players, the player that is not active)
-Good luck with building your decks and have fun!

So, join and play!

Network: Double Set Tournament
Password: Double Set Tournament

Pairings Round One:

Lenny vs. Jariel
Lunar Wing vs. Celebi23
Chanman 45 vs. aggroallnight
xtrabaggage vs. RayquazaEX
Smacktack vs. BYE

Lenny (0-0)
Lunar Wing (0-0)
Celebi23 (0-0)
Chanman45 (0-0)
RayquazaEX (0-0)
Jariel (0-0)
aggroallnight (0-0)
Smacktack (0-0)
xtrabaggage (0-0)
Round 1: Diamond and Pearl and Mysterious Treasures
I'll join. I wish that we could not have the Bebe's/Roseanne's exception. Then we'll all see Magmortar or Blissey or something, then we'll see PLOX, Porygon, etc. Then we'll see Torterra/Empoleon/Infernape/Kingdra, then we'll see Dusknoir/Rampardos, etc. It sort of ruins the creative part of the tournament.
Hmm, I see your point. I'm gonna take it off, just because you made a nice point ;0

And both are in.
Those who have joined please join the Hamachi Network that is in the first post. Thank you :]
Hmm I'll think about it, not too sure it'll happen though. Both of you are in.

(Smacktack: I have no cloned the Shaymin yet, sorry. I haven't found anybody who can do it, I'll get back to you when I have it)
Wait. We've got over 8 people. Can we start yet? (I'm impatient.) Maybe, instead of pairings, we can do a free for all thing. We just have to play three people in two weeks or something, then give our records to you.
Private Message him. If he doesn't respond within the next 2 days, you get a free win, I guess. Unless he has a legitimate excuse, of course.
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