The egg and the odd's


Black Diomond

Chapter one. Ashley the catastrophe

Ashley opened her light blue eyes halfway and lifted her head slightly just so she could see the little black electric clock with green numbers. She gave a low groan and mumbled

“five (yawn) thirty” She lifted her head up even more so that she was now sitting up in her bed leaning on one arm for support. She gave another long yawn, and pulled off the sheets of her bed that was as messy as her floor (and that looked like a truck, tornado, and a bunch of gorilla’s went through there).

“I should go check on the egg!” Ashley’s eyes widened with joy  as she got dressed and brushed her hair hastily. She tiptoed down the hallway that had red walls and a creaky old wooden floor. She walked into her mom’s room to see that she was still asleep…but she knew she was asleep from her extremely loud snoring.

“Mom…mom…” Ashley tried to wake her up carefully so that her mother wouldn’t become Infuriated with her.
“What Ashley…” Teresa’s voice shocked Ashley, but without a pause she continued
“Mom I’m going out…is that ok?”  Ashley was as nervous as she looked. Her Mother went on…”I don’t care just don’t slam the door on your way out.” Her voice was calm now and Ashley should have known it was too early to ask so many questions
Teresa’s voice came back but now it was not so calm…
“Your stupid uncle Sean broke it last night and he woke me up…Him and your lazy father were up till 1:00am again just so they could sleep all day with an excuse…not a very good one but an excuse none the less!” Ashley was half way out the door
“right mom…well see you…um later.” without hesitation Ashley walked swiftly into the kitchen that was separated by an table that was also part of the counter.

She looked into the living room and saw her dad rolled over on the green and smooth couch. She laughed under her breath  because her dad looked extremely funny right now. Then she realized that she was wasting her time and that she had to get to her egg that she hid. She tiptoed to her front door and carefully opened it , so that she did not wake all sleeping people up.

As soon as she opened the door and took a step outside she could see that the sun was barely starting to rise and the air was cool and crisp as it seamed to dance across her face and…it seamed as if she had just swallowed a hole package of  mints. The cars were in the oval shaped driveway that surrounded  two oak tree’s that were about seventy or eighty feet tall (I mean tall!)! Maybe twenty or so feet  was her garage. It was the same color of her house that was sky blue. She looked up and down her long street that had old pavement and  spaced out houses that all had two story houses.

Ashley’s gorgeous strawberry-blond hair  flowed in the wind and it brushed up against her almost snow white skin. She took off down the street and through the park that had a slide two swing sets and a seesaw ex. She took a small path that lead to a path in the woods winding with a long deep and slender river flowing through it.

Then after about ten minutes she came to a bridge she made herself with a five inch thick bored that was long and stretched across the river. On the other side were a sturdy bunch of rocks that were shaped as a stairway up to a small ledge with grass that was part of the other side of the river.

She walked slowly across the bridge…then stepped up the stairs and up in front of her tucked up in a small blue blanket next to a small bunch of rocks was A little maroon and red egg.

“Hi um…eggy.” Ashley paused. “ wonder when you will hatch…wonder what you will be…well wondering wont get me anything so I guess…I’ll “yawn” take a nap”

Ashley laid on her back and soon drifted to sleep from the lull of the river.
End of chapter one. Please keep reading. All readers…thanks from me an upcoming fan-fic girl.

:) :p ;) :rolleyes: :cool: :shy: :D