Welcome to eI_at10s player thread!
My Friend Code:2577 9600 7329
AIM: eIat10s
Contact Time: Random (Just watch for it) OR 8:00-11:00 PM PST
PLEASE!  When I approve, PM me with friend code, along with offered Pokemon, desired Pokemon, any items wanted, any items you have, and finally, a list of to-the-minute times available (preferred contact by AIM)
Otherwise, I will attach a random item.
POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
- Lv70 Mewtwo Mild Nature
- Lv10 Mew Quirky Nature
- Lv40 Raikou Naive Nature
- Lv65 Entei Brave Nature
- Lv66 Suicune Quiet Nature
- Lv70 Ho-oh Gentle Nature
- Lv70 Lugia Serious Nature
- Lv70 Celebi Docile Nature
- Lv45 Jirachi Relaxed Nature
- Lv33 Deoxys
- Lv56 Dialga
- Lv62 Palkia
- Lv70 Giratina
- GENERALLY: All Pokemon (up to #386 guaranteed) w/ or w/o Pokerus
POKEMON I WANT=======================
- Shiny Latios any nature low level
- Any other shinies
- The dinosaur other than Cranidos
- The three lake Pokemon
ITEMS FOR TRADE======================
- Masterballs
- Rare Candies
- Any Berry but Enigma
- Any Evolution Item
- Any Type Improving Item
- Leftovers
- Amulet Coin
- Every TM
ITEMS I WANT=========================
- Berries #12 & #13
- Any TM
- Enigma Berries
- Palkia's Item
Successful Trades:
Uxie for Deoxys
Mespirit for Celebi
Ho-oh for Mew
Goldeen for Jirachi (whatev.)