The fall of SP- We know its coming.


Aspiring Trainer
I need help. We all know platinum is going to be rotated out, and with Machamp decks getting stronger with Triumphant coming out we know SP decks are going to fall. Same With Gyarados too it will also be rotated. So any ideas on what to make if suddenly Stormfront, Platinum, Majestic Dawn, and Legends Awakened just got rotated? No more Cyrus's Conspiracy or poke turn or Dialga G. What decks will be used after Gyarados, SP, and Machamp are gone? Tell me forum.
First, rotation will probably be RR- on. If not, Luxchomp will still be THE deck. Just because platinum is gone doesn't mean that SP is dead
Ok first off, Triumphant has been out since November, Machamp hasn't done anything, it isn't that good. Second: LuxChomp was BDIF for cities, and it will be BDIF for States, it isn't going anywhere. Third: The rotation is a couple sets away there is still time for good new cards, and it is not confirmed that it will be RR on, I don't understand, didn't any of you learn anything from last season? They might not even rotate any sets this year. However if the format were to be RR on, Kingdra, Donphan, and Jumpluff would see a lot of play, maybe Charizard.

Edit: Lol ninja'd 3 times.
Sure, it's slow, but Luxchomp keeps most of the SP's, SP Radar, and other stuff(Energy gain? not sure). We will lose Power Spray and Poketurn, but SP decks can still run.
No, I don't think SP can run at all without Platinum, the only reason why its good now is because of the ridiculously overpowered trainer support it gets, otherwise it would just be a slow deck that can hit for small amounts of damage and has extremely low HP. Luxray may still be used as a tech in some deck just for Bright Look though.
Like it is now, anyway. At least in Gyarados and sometimes Jumpluff. But, yes, you're right - SP will not be all that good once we lose Platinum. It will only retain one really useful TGI, which is SP Radar, and it loses Cyrus' Conspiracy as well. As a result, any SPs seen in decks with a rotation that doesn't include Platinum will be techs, asides, or, so to speak. Full-on SP won't be possible anymore.

Hence why I'm holding on to my 1-1 GCX line, just in case I need it after the rotation.
SP domination goes bye-bye when we lose Platinum. No more full-out engine for LuxChomp! As for post-rotation, we'll have to wait to see what comes out in the next few sets to determine what'll go on.
I'm quite glad the SP engine is rotating. I personally hate the SP's for their popularity. I started playing (or at least, collecting) Pokemon TCG when Platinum first came out, so I've never seen what the format looks like without SP. Everything will be new to me when SP's rotate out, because for once I won't know what people will play! Lostgar will be one of the BDIFs, and so will Donphan, but it's going to be hard for me and some other people, I'm sure, to adapt to an all new SP-free metagame.
In summation: SPs have overstayed their welcome. We have had them for 2 full years now, pretty much. It's time to move on and use something else.

So start making your plans for next format, everyone.
^ I'd wait to know what the next format is first, did that last year for "Platinum on" didn't work very well trust me.
But it is a fair guess that SPs either will not be around or will be severely crippled enough to make a full-SP deck unplayable, so for those who do play SPs, I was suggesting to start thinking of alternatives now.
SPs are falling once rotation POSSIBLY a set earlier b/c i see no really way they could beat a good enboar/reshiram list or for that matter most of the stuff in BW that is fast or playable.
And hey if rotation is the only thing that kills this monster i'd say it was the best reign ever for a deck, better than delta, better than plox etc.
I mean the bdifs for each format are listed

PL: Dialga Lock, Palkia Lock, Dialga/Palkia, GeChamp
RR: LuxApe, FlyChamp, LuxBox, Mother Gengar
SV: DialgaChomp, LuxChomp, Blazeray, FlyChamp
PA: DialgaChomp, LuxChomp, Blazeray, CurseGar
HGSS: Gyarados, LuxChomp, Jumpluff, CurseGar, DialgaChomp
UL: Gyarados, LuxChomp, Jumpluff, CurseGar, Sablelock
UD: LuxChomp, VileGar, Sablelock
TU: LuxChomp, VileGar, Gyarados, Sablelock, Magnezone
COL: LuxChomp, LostGar, Sablelock, Magnezone

Pretty dominant, hey some liked it some didn't but you can't argue that w/ SP coming out the "tech" became more important than ever and SP deckbuilding became quite literally a science(also decks aren't in any particular order)
I find it funny how everyone is saying SP is going to die out. If you haven't realized, most SP's require 2 energy for a high powered attack. Most other decks require 2-3 turns to set up after rotation if we adopt the B/W rules (and by that I mean the Rare Candy errata). I built an SP deck that is RR-on and surprisingly it has some speed to it. Its a disruptive deck that can probably hang with the Stage 1 and Stage 2 decks that will become popular next season
i think about 80% of the meta is fed up with SP...but once we lose that we will have LostGar. its not as fast but its effective. i cant wait for SP to be gone. GIVE SOME OTHER DECKS A CHANCE LUXCHOMP....excuse me...
project696-I agree, i honestly think LuxChomp and Blazeray in particular have hope for next year, everything is slower but they still are the fastest. I do think LuxChomp will ultimately die out due to Druddigon but I think other SPs have a chance to shine(finally)
Can someone explain to me why there's 2 threads of this same topic? I'm not trying to mini-Mod here I'm just trying to point out the obvious...