Got my Xbox back just in time to play Dead Space 3!
In celebration of this, I want to hold a community game night, where we create a party and engage in matchmaking and custom games. Anybody who wants to host can, I just hope that you've got a good connection and that you've got some cool maps/gametypes saved. Anybody up for this? Scheduling is totally up to you guys. :]
I think Nick Equinox has the most interesting/most available game types. I'd be playing as a guest cuz no pay for XBL again. Maybe this Friday and pull a super late nighter
Well, at the cost of a bloody thumb (stupid hitch) and a large pain in the back I'm getting XBL for 3 months >.< So guys, everyone friend me. GT is MrGatr and I'll be playing tonight, also I'll have a friend over, who'll suck horribly worse than spchammy because he only has one hand, if you see him, kinda give him some free kills. If you cause him to have a meltdown at my house, he's comin to yours
He holds the entire controller in one hand. And yeah, he rages and I prefer to have some sleep tonight (he's more of my bro's friend than mine) and he gets pissy when he never gets kills.
I'll add you as soon as my mom gives me my money :O
So this kid decides to not show up, and take our game... F*ck YOU!!!
Anyways, my bro broke my live account so I'll be using the gamertag Gatraide.
Well, I don't know for sure if I'll be able to make it tonight, sorry :/ I hate how sudden this is, but yeah. Tomorrow I'll be on for sure, tonight maybe, but I just don't know yet