The "I traded something cool" topic.

Kingdra King

User experience may vary
This thread is just like the "I pulled something cool" thread only here you can show everyone the trades that you made.

Example: "I traded my Leafeon Lv. X for 3 Uxies and a binder".

Have fun!
Well one of these already exist but due to the little popularity it fell to the bottom of this page or the next page
I traded my Rhyperior Lv.X for two Claydol. It was odd. He seemed pretty happy to get rid of them xD
just traded torterra pt, probopass pt, nosepass pt, empoleon pt, prinplup pt, and grotle pt for dusknoir sf, hitmonchan pt, roserade sf, energy link, and power spray.
I traded a Cresselia Lv. X and 2 Energy Gain (I don't plan on using SP pokemon anytime soon) for a Claydol (GE) and 2 Blissey (MT)...I know kinda got robbed in that trade, but meh
This weekend alone, I traded:

1 Bronzong MD for 1 Scyther PT
1 Entei 1 Suicune for 1 RH Energy Gain, 2 Power Spray RH, 1 Palkia G, an other small stuff
Dusknoir SF (the bad one) for 1 Azelf MT 1 Mesprit MT and 1 Dusk Ball RH
Dumb holos for cash
$10 for pretty much everything in Legos, short of the Xs
1 Leafeon #7 for 2 Vulpix PT (The shiny one) and 1 Swablu PT (Shiny)
And along the way I got other simple holos by trading commons, like I got some Sceptile GEs, Garchomps, Electivires, promo Mr. Mime Jrs and Glameows, etc.

Other stuff too, don't remember. And I got another Uxie X somewhere along there.
Oh, and in YGO, I made some ridiculous trades too.
Then I traded a few YGO cards (Maybe 50 worth?) For their entire pokemon collections, etc.
I traded:
My: RH Uxie
His: 2 Claydol GE, 1 RH Bebe's Search

Thought that was a win

It should be noted that HE offered the trade.
This thread is just like Gliscor's thread. I traded for 3 Poke Turn, which I really needed.