the judgeing stats


alright the way pokemon tourments are judged standing wise suxs i won the first to game and lost to the first place person ( which means if i beat him i would of came in first) but i lost and came in third

if u think it should maybe in can it might be able so that their came more rounds is four or more ties for second

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sorry kid, we cant understand what you say.
either reword what your say.. or you get a negative in grammar ;)
It goes through some very complicated workings with:
Who you won and lost to.
Then who you won against and there wins and losses.
Then who you lost against and there wins and losses.
and it continues and continues and....
If there is no fair way to do something, you have to work it out to be the fairest you can. To do this-

-We have best of three matchs, meaning a stupidly bad hand in a normally consistent deck doesn't matter as much.

-The standing are based on wins, but then are based on how well your opponents go. If you win to the guy going 0-3, you don't get that many points for winning. If you lose to the guy coming first, you don't lose as many points. If you win though, the points changes are much higher.

There is probably a fairer way to do this, but it would involve everyone who has a tie versing each other in between rounds, which would take forever.