If you don't see a card you're looking for listed Pm me the card name and set and I'll see if I have it in my collection. Unlike some users I will trade for promos of cards on my want list. I also don't care if a card is reverse holo or not, or if it is a deck version. World championship cards however are not valuable to me. I am more than happy to provide scans so you can see the condition of the card. All cards come in sleeves, you may choose between blue or black if you wish. PM me if you're looking for standard rares, I have too many to catalog at this time.
Cards I want
Any tin promos post DP base set
Garchomp C Lv X and Garchomp C
SP radar and cyrus' conspiracy
Blaziken FB,
Infernape elite four,
lugia legend bottom half,
entei suicune legend bottom half,
helix fossil, old amber, anorith, or dome fossil from any post DP on set
any HS unleashed set primes,
any triumphant set primes except electrode and celebi,
Milotic (dragons exalted),
any blend energy or rainbow energy,
Dustox (dragons exalted)
Piloswine (any post DP base set)
and many more that will be coming soon to this list, so check back often.
Cards i have
Trainers/supporters of note
Level ball
super rod
crushing hammer
enhanced hammer
pokemon catcher
Reverse rares:
Alomomola (BW base set),
Haxorus (noble victories),
Quagsire (HS base set),
Pachirisu (Call of legends),
blastoise (Secret wonders),
Feraligatr (HS base set),
Altaria (HS triumphant),
Medicham(DP Base set),
Chimeco (Supreme victors),
Solrock (triumphant),
Reuniclus (Noble victories),
Swanna (Emerging powers),
Skarmory from undaunted and call of legends.
Holographic cards:
Hitmonchan (base set),
Blissey (dark explorers)
2 zapdos ( next destinies)
Blissey ( next destinies),
Leavanny (Noble victories),
Sudowoodo (unleashed,
Xatu (unleashed),
forretress (undaunted),
slowking (HS Base set),
Meganium Shatter Foil (HS base set),
Raichu (HS base set),
Magmortar (unleashed),
Milotic C (supreme victors),
Mamoswine (Legends awakened),
Entei (secret wonders),
Deoxys (emerald base set),
Politoed (unleashed).
Ultra and secret rares: Victory piece, Moltres EX (plasma storm), Charon's choice (rising rivals).
Near mint base set cards: Kadabra, Ivysaur, tangela, 2 weedle, kakuna, 4 charmeleon, starmie, 2 staryu, poliwag, poliwhirl, machop, diglett, onix, rattata, pidgeottto, dratini, farfetch'd, voltorb, and magikarp.
Cards I want
Any tin promos post DP base set
Garchomp C Lv X and Garchomp C
SP radar and cyrus' conspiracy
Blaziken FB,
Infernape elite four,
lugia legend bottom half,
entei suicune legend bottom half,
helix fossil, old amber, anorith, or dome fossil from any post DP on set
any HS unleashed set primes,
any triumphant set primes except electrode and celebi,
Milotic (dragons exalted),
any blend energy or rainbow energy,
Dustox (dragons exalted)
Piloswine (any post DP base set)
and many more that will be coming soon to this list, so check back often.
Cards i have
Trainers/supporters of note
Level ball
super rod
crushing hammer
enhanced hammer
pokemon catcher
Reverse rares:
Alomomola (BW base set),
Haxorus (noble victories),
Quagsire (HS base set),
Pachirisu (Call of legends),
blastoise (Secret wonders),
Feraligatr (HS base set),
Altaria (HS triumphant),
Medicham(DP Base set),
Chimeco (Supreme victors),
Solrock (triumphant),
Reuniclus (Noble victories),
Swanna (Emerging powers),
Skarmory from undaunted and call of legends.
Holographic cards:
Hitmonchan (base set),
Blissey (dark explorers)
2 zapdos ( next destinies)
Blissey ( next destinies),
Leavanny (Noble victories),
Sudowoodo (unleashed,
Xatu (unleashed),
forretress (undaunted),
slowking (HS Base set),
Meganium Shatter Foil (HS base set),
Raichu (HS base set),
Magmortar (unleashed),
Milotic C (supreme victors),
Mamoswine (Legends awakened),
Entei (secret wonders),
Deoxys (emerald base set),
Politoed (unleashed).
Ultra and secret rares: Victory piece, Moltres EX (plasma storm), Charon's choice (rising rivals).
Near mint base set cards: Kadabra, Ivysaur, tangela, 2 weedle, kakuna, 4 charmeleon, starmie, 2 staryu, poliwag, poliwhirl, machop, diglett, onix, rattata, pidgeottto, dratini, farfetch'd, voltorb, and magikarp.