Wi-Fi Trades The Lime Raven's Breeding Centre!

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The Lime Raven

Insane Fangirl
Hello there! If you're reading this, you've found my thread for Pokémon breeding. I'm planning on this being a co-op with Quentin, but hopefully I'll be doing most of the work. They have enough orders on their hands. Lol.

Enough of the introduction, let's get down to business.
As you read previously, I'm a Pokémon breeder. I'll happily breed Pokémon for you, with egg moves, with pokérus, or just trade you an egg!
(Little note: When I say 'sell' I mean 'trade.' It's much easier to say 'sell,' lol.)

Here's my rules:
  1. Don't ask for a Pokémon with a DW ability unless I say I can get it.
  2. If I don't have the Pokémon, and Quentin doesn't, you'll have to let me borrow one. I can borrow one, breed it with a ditto, the just incest the baby and return the parent to you. Tell me what you want.
  3. For the love of Arceus, don't request a Pokémon with certain IVs. Just don't.
  4. We'll negotiate what Pokémon to trade. Normally I'll accept a random Pokémon like Bidoof but sometimes I'll need a better payment. Lol. (I'll gladly accept a 'mystery egg,' that is an egg that's a surprise. As long as it's a decent or rare Pokémon. See my want list.)
  5. I can try for natures and genders. Abilities too, sometimes. See Rule 1.
  6. Here's where I get selfish: I give you the requested Pokémon, I get to keep and maybe use its siblings. Perhaps sell them.
  7. If you want a specific nickname, the unhatched egg, multiple Pokémon, or for some reason you don't want active pokérus, PLEASE specify.
  8. Don't ask for a shiny. If you want one see Quentin's thread.
  9. Some egg move combinations are impossible. If the Pokémon is not in the ground egg group, I may not be able to breed certain move combos.
  10. Certain moves I consider 'unsketchable.' These moves have a slow speed priority and my Smeargles can't sketch slow enough. See Rule 9.
TIME: I live in the boring state of Connecticut, thus my time zone is Eastern. I have a large window of time to trade after school between 2:20 and 5:40. I take afternoon siestas often (I'm 1/4 Spanish. What do you expect?) so of course, sometimes I'm not available. I also like to hang with my friends like most teens, so be patient. My mom comes home from work around six so it'd be weird for her to hear me talking with some stranger on my DS. I don't like to trade when she's home.

Here's my want list. They aren't ordered in any specific way.
  • Spinda
  • Spoink
  • Lotad
  • DW Pokémon
  • Kecleon
  • Hacked Pokémon
  • Shinies
  • Legendaries
  • Marril
  • Munchlax
  • Starters
  • Pichu
  • Happiny
  • Buneary
This is my first thread, so please be nice!
PM, email, or reply to this thread for more info or to make an offer.
^ the lime raven stated in the rules that you can't ask for shinies.

Could you get me an Ekans? Any moves are fine, I just want an Ekans. This is in White.

In addition, since you want hacked pokemon, I could hack a shiny for you
Hey Raven, if you'd be interested I can help you with any breeding orders as long as they aren't breeding for shinies/IVs ^__^ You can take a look at my thread to see what kind of breeding services I offer~

Sure! Do you want to know what kind of Pokémon is in the egg, or would you rather have it be a surprise?
I have shinies, a shiny Marill, and some other random stuff. Do you have any of the previous gen starters?

Yes, I have some of the starters.
I have: Chikorita, Piplup, Torchic, Charmander, & Treeko.
My friends have some other starters, Chimchar, Totodile, & Cyndaquil.
We're planing on having a big party (with only three people, 'cuz we cool like that). We'll breed & trade starters.
I don't have a Turtwig, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, or Mudkip.
So, if u leik mudkipz you're out of luck. ;^;
I can probably supply you almost any pokemon you need, given I have a decent amount of time.

Just make a huge list, and I'll start working away at it.
The Lime Raven(cool name!)~I need a Chikorita and Torchic. I can get you a Turtwig, Bulbasaur, and Mudkip. Oh, and when you get your friend's Pokemon, I also need Totodile and Cyndaquil. I also have a few rare baby Pokemon/Pokemon I can breed.
I need a Totodile, a Torchic, a Mudkip and a Turtwig and I'll have all the starters.

@ilovemyPikachu thank you for informing that person. Srsly.
It'll take a while to get an Ekans, but I will breed you one.

And on the topic of shinies....
Can you hack a shiny of a specific gender, or is it that kind of cheat that all Pokémon are shiny, even the foe's, so it's just a matter of running into the right Pokémon?
Hey, can you breed me a Drifloon, I just need it to get my National Dex. I dont care about anything else, just that its a Drifloon
We'd be glad to partnership together. Your egg move breeding would be a huge help to us, definitely! Are there any specific rules you have? If you could include those in a PM to add to the original post it'd be awesome. :3
Do you have a female cyndaquil and a female chikorita I will be willing to trade you an egg move zorua and an egg move eevee(with wish)(male)
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