The Luxchomps and Gyrados of the Past


Pokemon Padawan
I'm curious to know a little about the history of deck archetypes that ruled the formats of yesteryear and what made them so good at that time.
Last year, Luxchomp ERL was popular, and tbh I'm not sure why it no longer is. Stage 2 decks were far more viable in the 2009-2010 format due to CLaydol. For that reason, Cursegar and Jumpluff were common in the metagame last year. FlyChamp was pretty big early in the season, but started to die out as Garchomp gained popularity. Gyarados was common, but it too died down with LuxChomp's popularity gain.
I personally liked last year's format a lot better. Nowadays, it seems like there are more common decks, but there is a larger gap between Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.
Well, since I'm The Oldbie I'll get into the Luxchomps, Gyarados, etc of the distant past...

Luxchomp is the clear descendant of the Haymaker archetype. Haymaker, originally named for Hitmonchan's second attack in Japan, combined Hitmonchan, Electabuzz, and a third pokemon like Jynx, Farfetch'd, or later Scyther, Magmar, Lapras, and other big basics, to take things out before they got going. Because the game on the pokemon side was a bit slower paced, HP values were lower, and energy costs were higher, doing 20 for 1 was quite nice on a 70HP basic. Electabuzz just made it nastier, hitting for 30 or 40 on 2 energy.

Gyarados is another Haymaker-ish deck, but another deck I could call it similar to is Arcanine, or Big Man decks in general, which go about bringing down big stage 1s with lots of HP (Arcanine being the star player) and hitting for huge damage.

Jumpluff is a Wigglytuff deck - Jungle Wigglytuff's Do the Wave attack is the first of many iterations of pokemon that do what Jumpluff does.

Blastigatr is of course a variant of Rain Dance, the Base Set Blastoise having the same ability as Feraligatr Prime.

There's really nothing to compare Vilegar to. The closest would probably be Damage Swap, as both are combo/lock decks. The other lock decks also came in much later, and many of them are original this generation.