The Metagame


Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
Mods, I know there is another topic like this one but I thought it would be nice to have a more organized topic on this. The other one seems to have turned into a thread about what can counter Gyarados. If a moderator disagrees with me, feel free to lock it.

Anyway, I thought that with a fairly large yet balanced metagame it would be nice to have a thread about the metagame, each deck's strengths and weaknesses, etc. Basically, I'm thinking anyone can post anything from "Why is this deck good?" to "Omgz this deck is BDIF". As long as you have a reason for posting something, I don't see why it can't be posted. However, I'd like to keep the discussion limited to these decks if possible.

Palkia G
Flygon variants
SP Toolbox

I'll start us off. I think Gengar and Beedrill are going to fade into the background, and Palkia won't be as popular either. SP Toolbox will see a bit of a rise in play. I think the three best options (in order) are Flygon, Gyarados, Luxape. Flygon is just an all-around great card that doesn't really lack anything and even has a good late-game attacker in the stage one. If you think you're going to lose, just deck them. The deck is also so versatile it will be awhile before the opponent knows what they're playing against. Gyarados is good, but the three retreat and single attack hurt it to an extent. The deck also has everything it needs, except lack of disruptive/board control tactics. However, those don't seem to hurt it too much. Luxape is great because it's so fast and consistent. Also, between Intimidating Roar, Bright Look, tech room and Power Spray there are a billion ways to disrupt the opponent and gain control of the game before the opponent sets up.

I think the format is going to take a bit of a slower turn as the fastest decks seem to be doing the worst and HGSS seems like it will introduce slower cards. I think we'll see a HUGE rise in Flygon once HGSS comes out and I think Uxieruption will start to see its share of play with the introduction of Expert Belt and slower cards. However, I think that with the next two sets Flygon will become the next GG. Probably Flygon/Machamp/Nidoqueen.

I like this.

Gyarados for one, despite the fact how good it can be I do believe that if the Gyarados player goes first, then they might be in a donk position. Magikarp only has 30 HP, which means SP's can just Crobat G for a KO. If they can't, then they they just attack Magikarp. But otherwise, I like his matchups.

And I do agree with Beedrill, Palkia, and Gengar. Thanks to Palkia G and Gyarados (I do belive, sorry but I'm not a Gyarados player XD) Beedrill will have problems. Palkia G will just Mespirt lock Beedrill, and I think Gyarados can run well even with Beedrill beeing[/pun] there. Gengar is just not so consistant dealing with the meta, and Palkia just falls to Flygon variants.
Gliscor said:
I like this.

Gyarados for one, despite the fact how good it can be I do believe that if the Gyarados player goes first, then they might be in a donk position. Magikarp only has 30 HP, which means SP's can just Crobat G for a KO. If they can't, then they they just attack Magikarp. But otherwise, I like his matchups.

And I do agree with Beedrill, Palkia, and Gengar. Thanks to Palkia G and Gyarados (I do belive, sorry but I'm not a Gyarados player XD) Beedrill will have problems. Palkia G will just Mespirt lock Beedrill, and I think Gyarados can run well even with Beedrill beeing[/pun] there. Gengar is just not so consistant dealing with the meta, and Palkia just falls to Flygon variants.
Once again,beedrill vs gyarados matchups depend on the skill of each player and the prizes(lol).But gyarados is turning out to be what flygon was before RR released-over hyped.Flygon has not won anything major(even though it has done exceedingly well),and is very versatile.
Also with the release of expert belt(AOA) and feraligatr(HGSS),i believe water decks(gyarados and kingdra specifically)will get a huge boost,add to lucians+feral power will lead to flygon getting a whole lot faster(3 flygons in turn anyone???)
I have to say that I actually think that bees will start to rise in popularity. With expert belt sure you lose 2 prizes, but 140 for 1 T2, I mean if you are lucky, but losest 50 T2, that's still big and you usually get 2 bees out T2, so it ends up being 90, which is great for donks.

Abomnasnow/Nidoqueen should be a deck that runs, noones ever played it, I mean..-20 and -20 each turn, so 40 reduction and completely stops spread...
^That's the next set. We're on this set.

Abomasnow/Queen... hmm.. LuxApe/BlazeRay says high. Against LuxApe, they drop Lucario GL and High Jump Kick for KO (assuming they can T1 Split Bomb.) With Nidoqueen, it's a stage 2 in a stage-1 deck. It shouldn't get out that quickly.
The two prize loss isn't worth it. Gyarados can still OHKO one Beedrill and so can Inferanpe. Palkia slows you down so much it doesn't matter anymore and between Sand Wall and Power Swing Flygon still has a great chance at a win. And lol, think about what a Fainting Spell would do to this. Speedrill is a great deck, but it's in a bad format for it to do well.

Edit- Gliscor, don't forget about Abomasnow's body. High Jump Kick doesn't OHKO it. seems like it's the play in my area(southfla)

just theorymon decks lol, but still, AoA's bringing Arceus, who I belive will be just like PLox, at least, once teams like Lafonte find good ways to play it(assuming they already haven't), you could argue that Machamp wrecks it, but hey, you never know.
Celebi23 said:
Gliscor, don't forget about Abomasnow's body. High Jump Kick doesn't OHKO it.
I think I said this already, but... If you can T1 Split Bomb for 30 on Snover, then even if they do get out Abomasnow then you play Lucario GL and then HJK for KO (30 damage+100-20=110) (assumption Nidoqueen isn't out.) If that doesn't work, Crobat G comes in.
Gliscor said:
I like this.

Gyarados for one, despite the fact how good it can be I do believe that if the Gyarados player goes first, then they might be in a donk position. Magikarp only has 30 HP, which means SP's can just Crobat G for a KO. If they can't, then they they just attack Magikarp. But otherwise, I like his matchups.

If the Gyarados player goes first, it's more than likely a cause from Sableye SF which has 60 HP, a little less likely to donk than Magikarp. Sure those starts happen, but that's with really any deck.

dmaster out.
flygon is definitely the most popular at my BR's. i play it at least 3 times out of 7 matches, which is a lot for my metagame. gengar is fading into the background.. i haven't seen anyone play it in forever.
I cant believe how many sp decks I have faced this year now even kingdra seems too slow.
Kingdra will never be too slow. ;p And think how good Flygon will be once DCE comes out, T1 Sand Wall and T2 Power Swing here I come.

And let's not forget Garchomp (not SP) with this, T1 Guard Claw combined with Nidoqueen is almost funny (unless you're playing against it).
I've never been donked playing Gyarados. You should be running a lot of basics + 4 Call. pretty much un-donkable!
The problem with Flygon+DCE means that you still should find room for a free retreat on your techs, unless Luxray/board controllers lose popularity.
That takes 1-2 basic energy, it's really not that hard. It's like Dark Flygon with 4 Special Darkness and Call Energy. Sure it had Dark Engage, but it's not like the rest of the decks aren't surviving with Luxray around.
True. We play a DCE on Flygon, and one energy for a free retreat. On another Flygon, pretty much same thing. And if you run Switch/Warp Point (high on it) then I guess you'll be doing fine.