Mods, I know there is another topic like this one but I thought it would be nice to have a more organized topic on this. The other one seems to have turned into a thread about what can counter Gyarados. If a moderator disagrees with me, feel free to lock it.
Anyway, I thought that with a fairly large yet balanced metagame it would be nice to have a thread about the metagame, each deck's strengths and weaknesses, etc. Basically, I'm thinking anyone can post anything from "Why is this deck good?" to "Omgz this deck is BDIF". As long as you have a reason for posting something, I don't see why it can't be posted. However, I'd like to keep the discussion limited to these decks if possible.
Palkia G
Flygon variants
SP Toolbox
I'll start us off. I think Gengar and Beedrill are going to fade into the background, and Palkia won't be as popular either. SP Toolbox will see a bit of a rise in play. I think the three best options (in order) are Flygon, Gyarados, Luxape. Flygon is just an all-around great card that doesn't really lack anything and even has a good late-game attacker in the stage one. If you think you're going to lose, just deck them. The deck is also so versatile it will be awhile before the opponent knows what they're playing against. Gyarados is good, but the three retreat and single attack hurt it to an extent. The deck also has everything it needs, except lack of disruptive/board control tactics. However, those don't seem to hurt it too much. Luxape is great because it's so fast and consistent. Also, between Intimidating Roar, Bright Look, tech room and Power Spray there are a billion ways to disrupt the opponent and gain control of the game before the opponent sets up.
I think the format is going to take a bit of a slower turn as the fastest decks seem to be doing the worst and HGSS seems like it will introduce slower cards. I think we'll see a HUGE rise in Flygon once HGSS comes out and I think Uxieruption will start to see its share of play with the introduction of Expert Belt and slower cards. However, I think that with the next two sets Flygon will become the next GG. Probably Flygon/Machamp/Nidoqueen.
Anyway, I thought that with a fairly large yet balanced metagame it would be nice to have a thread about the metagame, each deck's strengths and weaknesses, etc. Basically, I'm thinking anyone can post anything from "Why is this deck good?" to "Omgz this deck is BDIF". As long as you have a reason for posting something, I don't see why it can't be posted. However, I'd like to keep the discussion limited to these decks if possible.
Palkia G
Flygon variants
SP Toolbox
I'll start us off. I think Gengar and Beedrill are going to fade into the background, and Palkia won't be as popular either. SP Toolbox will see a bit of a rise in play. I think the three best options (in order) are Flygon, Gyarados, Luxape. Flygon is just an all-around great card that doesn't really lack anything and even has a good late-game attacker in the stage one. If you think you're going to lose, just deck them. The deck is also so versatile it will be awhile before the opponent knows what they're playing against. Gyarados is good, but the three retreat and single attack hurt it to an extent. The deck also has everything it needs, except lack of disruptive/board control tactics. However, those don't seem to hurt it too much. Luxape is great because it's so fast and consistent. Also, between Intimidating Roar, Bright Look, tech room and Power Spray there are a billion ways to disrupt the opponent and gain control of the game before the opponent sets up.
I think the format is going to take a bit of a slower turn as the fastest decks seem to be doing the worst and HGSS seems like it will introduce slower cards. I think we'll see a HUGE rise in Flygon once HGSS comes out and I think Uxieruption will start to see its share of play with the introduction of Expert Belt and slower cards. However, I think that with the next two sets Flygon will become the next GG. Probably Flygon/Machamp/Nidoqueen.