The name "Mothball Z"...

Deckbuilder Shinigami

1st Place in City's & in States :D
Well, i understand the "Moth" part, but where do the Ball Z part of the name comes from (after all, it's Mothim + Gyarados + Unown P)...
probably from the ball engine that i see people playing also could be that you have to have ballz to play it lolz
No, not DBZ pun.

A Mothball is actually a thing. It is a little ball composed of something that smells really foul if you get really close to it. I'm not sure what. But, snakes can smell them from a farther distance than we can, and they have a higher sense of smell then humans do. For people that live in a heavily wooded area, it is great to be able to scatter them around the perimiter of your yard, thus keeping snakes out of your yard and garden.

The "z" at the end of Mothballz pruduces a "s" when you say it.