Ruling The New Latios and Latias...


Mewtwo User
Ok so I am running a shenija deck... (don't laugh got me top 16 in my regionals)

so I wonder other than any other things besides space center that can shut it down?

I am scared my deck wont work anymore if I can't stop those pokemon...
Feraligatr-ex shuts down PokéPowers and Bodies for both players' non-ex monsters. Space Center will not shut down Shedinja because it isn't a basic monster (evolves from Nincada). In fact, you can run Space Center to shut down δ Latias and Latios! Just hope your opponent doesn't play a countergym. As far as the Feraligatr-ex goes, hope you don't run into one. I don't think too many people are playing them these days, since they shut down themselves as well.

You might try locking the Space Center by running EX: UF Houndoom, that is, if you decide to run Space Center.
Medicham ex also does the same thing as Feraligatr ex, as far as Poké-Bodies go.
I think Luna/Sol is a lot better. Poke Bodies(except a few) are not very game threatening.