The New Meta


Ultimate Winner
I have heard a lot of hype recently about how our meta would be "changed" with the arrival of the new set "Boundaries Crossed".
However it has recently been discovered that many "key" cards in the set such as Bicycle, Ether, and Escape Rope will not be included in the set.
This decision made by TPCI now makes speed decks less viable and prevents donks. While i am not unhappy by this decision, I am unable to decide if this was the right choice on their part
In the upcoming set many expected these decks
Keldeo Blastoise
Speed Dakrai/ Speed Tornadus
Vile Box
among others to make a huge impact on the format basically just taking our current format and completely changing it
What if any of these decks or any of the current decks are affected by the cards left out and what decks do you think will be considered "Top tier" or meta?
Landorus should find its place in top tier. My guess is it will most likely be teched into a lot of decks and keldeo with be meta but im not sure about tier 1. Japan is never a viable source to predict top tier. And with cities being so close to the release of boundaries i doubt there will be an established meta like there is now. I think the tins made it so easy to establish a meta through brs and regs but cities will likely be a smorgasboard of current t1 decks lots of different rouges and upcoming top tier decks from boundaries crossed
there will be a deck that does good throughout cities and everybody will jump on the bang wagon.
happens every year. something will pop up soon.
exdarkrai01 said:
My guess is it will most likely be teched into a lot of decks and keldeo with be meta but im not sure about tier 1. Japan is never a viable source to predict top tier.

Japan can't predict our meta at all. It just can't. They predicted LostGar and Gartaria, among other things, and none of those decks went anywhere. However, I think Keldoise will find a place in our meta for a tournament or two until people realize its inconsistency.
Landorus will for sure be Tier 1. It's so good.
Meatheart said:
exdarkrai01 said:
My guess is it will most likely be teched into a lot of decks and keldeo with be meta but im not sure about tier 1. Japan is never a viable source to predict top tier.

Japan can't predict our meta at all. It just can't. They predicted LostGar and Gartaria, among other things, and none of those decks went anywhere. However, I think Keldoise will find a place in our meta for a tournament or two until people realize its inconsistency.
Landorus will for sure be Tier 1. It's so good.

I agree. People just figured out Hydreigon's inconsistency but its still Tier 1 :p
Landorus definitely. And probably Darkrai/Hydreigon. And Keldeo/Blastoise if they know how to tech it correctly. And maybe a few rogues will pop up but I think those are really the most expected and most viable decks of the meta.
Why doesn't anyone predict Dusknoir? It has a good potential with many spread-Pokemon for at least being Tier 2. Registeel, Flygon, Darkkrai, Kyurem are very good with dusknoir. I don't know how I will predict it. I am going to think of Rayeels, Zekeels, Keldeoise, Darkdreigon with most possibilities of being T1. T1.5 may be around empoleon, garbodor, big basics and Ho-Oh. The T2 would be Vileplume, Dusknoir and maybe gartalia.
Landorus/Garchomp might become a commonly used deck, I don't know. Garchomp/Terrakion is already used because nobody seems to like Altaria. Keldeo/Blastoise will be top tier, Darkrai/Hydreigon isn't going anywhere and of course neither are Eel variants. Dusknoir could be used fairly well with Registeel or Darkrai but I don't see it becoming top tier because it is fragile Catcher bait in anything but Darkrai. I can see Vile Box, but it just seems like it would be a bit slow to set up and there is technically no "guarantee" you'll be hitting weakness. But I can see Vile/Terrakion/Sigilyph/Mewtwo or something along the lines of a deck that is used for the sole purpose of countering other decks. Of course Bicycle will be a big game changer, and possible Ace Spec cards but I don't know why Ether is being considered a valuable card. Hugh will be used too, kind of like an N, and I can see it being used in Eel variants, but it won't drastically change the game.
Whichever way you look at it, the set is going to bring changes to the meta game, but so does every single set. It won't be that drastic, except with the introduction of Blastoise and Keldeo which will bring a new deck to the meta.
I can tell you right now that Garbador variants will remain very strong, thanks to all these new Abilities and whatnot :D!

Also, if Landorus EX becomes popular, and I bet he will thanks to his many types to hit for Weakness, that'll give Keldeo EX and Blastoise a stronger calling to, because they are super effective against him!

I also think Black Kyurem-EX and White Kyurem-EX deserve more credit than most other people are giving it so far. 300 HP is nothing to snuff at at all, nor is a constant boost in attack power by 50!

What about Stoutland? If you can manage to block your opponent's Supporter powers early on, he or she will be setting up way too slowly.
Well BK EX is still OHKOd by most of the {DRG} types in the meta, and even so, tool scrapper and you're totally useless. It's still pretty good with eels though, as you said, nothing to scoff at. It will get a lot better when Battle Strength BK-EX gets here though.