Bob Franklin said:
I have to disagree with Celebi about the Masters division. At Nats, my dad, sister and her boyfriend all said that there division was chock full of Flygon and LuxApe. If you mean LuxApe by SP's then this post is semi pointless.
Well Luxray and Infernape do have that big SP symbol on them.
Also, based off of the Masters National Champion's report, it seems like there were also a lot of Palkia G decks. That also has that SP symbol lol. I also said it had a good mix of other stuff.
Also, Beedrill is a good deck. However, SP's are going to be very popular because they are very consistent. All I really need is a Cyrus and/or a Roseanne (excluding Palkia decks) and I'm essentially setup. I mean, Plox, Flygon, pretty much half the good decks run the same amount or more energy that SP's. SP's tend to have a pretty even matchup with Beedrill if it gets setup, which is very hard. Between Spray, Mesperit lock, Lost Cyclone, Bright Look, etc. games vs. SP's can get pretty hard. And that's where Speedrill starts to have problems. Aside from that, it overpowers pretty much everything except Gengar if they get somewhat lucky. However, it is possible to shut Gengar off if you like run 3 Unown G.
Although that isn't a good idea imo. I think the best plays are:
I think those will probably be the most popular decks as well, though we'll see a lot of Gengar in Seniors and Machamp in Juniors. Good luck at the grinder!