Finished The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Winner Charizard!

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RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260 +
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 160
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 200
Kingdra - 200
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 60
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 120
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50 -
Seismitoad - 70
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 110
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 140
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 160
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 220+
Kingdra - 200
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 60
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 120
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70-
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 70
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 110
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 140
Whiscash - 120
Re: RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 180++
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 220
Kingdra - 200
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 60
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 120
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 40 ---
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 110
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 140
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 180
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 220
Kingdra - 200
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 80+
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 120
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 40
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 110
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 110-
Whiscash - 120
Re: RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Refresh!! *Yay. My first Refresh!!*
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 200++
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 220
Kingdra - 200
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 80
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 120
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 10---
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 110
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 110
Whiscash - 120

I dont know what should I hurt after Seismitoad died.. hmmm...maybe *search over list* Palkia.

Wait... PALKIA is water pokemon... @.@.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Could you guys not take out, or add any Pokémon at all, even if they're already in the finals. It makes it so much more difficult to do the placings, because Pokémon are either added, or lost. I have to count the long lists to make sure that a Pokémon didn't die without me knowing, and if something goes missing, or is added, I have to go and find exactly where it was added, disregard it, and keep going.

I started doing the Dragon Placings yesterday, and about four Pokémon in, got so confused I just closed the browser. That was the point when people started really adding new Pokémon to the list, early on as well.

For now, I'm going to leave Empoleon in, just to see how it goes. If people want to waste time healing it, that's their choice.

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Empoleon - 120
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 200
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 220
Kingdra - 220 +++
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 80
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 120
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 10
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 110
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 80 ---
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

No. Empoleon is not staying. Don't make us waste time taking it out.

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 200
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 220
Kingdra - 220
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 80
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 120
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 10
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 160 +++
Swampert - 80 ----
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 80
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 200
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 190 ---
Kingdra - 220
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 80
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 140 +++
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 10
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 160
Swampert - 80
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 80
Whiscash - 120
Re: RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Teal said:
No. Empoleon is not staying. Don't make us waste time taking it out.


How about new rule. Whoever start the game, have to make sure the list not contain any pokemon already advancing?
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Heal Vaporeon
Hurt Kyogre

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 200
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 190
Kingdra - 220
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 50
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 140
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 10
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 160
Swampert - 80
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 100
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 200
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 70-
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 210+
Kingdra - 220
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 50
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 140
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 10
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 160
Swampert - 80
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 100
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

No seriously, what the heck is Omaster?

HURT: Gastrodon (West Sea)
HEAL: Manaphy

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 70
Golduck - 200
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 70
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 210
Kingdra - 220
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 50
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 140
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 140
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 10
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 160
Swampert - 80
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 100
Whiscash - 120
Re: RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Machamp The Champion said:
No seriously, what the heck is Omaster?

U seriously don't know???

*I feel really-really old*

Omastar *I ignored your misspell* is evolved form of Omanyte. First fossil pokemon from generation 1 along with Kabuto, Kabutops, and Aerodactyle.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

lovandra said:
Machamp The Champion said:
No seriously, what the heck is Omaster?

U seriously don't know???

*I feel really-really old*

Omastar *I ignored your misspell* is evolved form of Omanyte. First fossil pokemon from generation 1 along with Kabuto, Kabutops, and Aerodactyle.

He meant literally what it is, as in, what it was based off of. E.g. Magikarp being based off a goldfish, Garbodor being a trash bag, Mr. Mime being a mime, and Kecleon being a chameleon.
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

WanderingWolf said:
lovandra said:
U seriously don't know???

*I feel really-really old*

Omastar *I ignored your misspell* is evolved form of Omanyte. First fossil pokemon from generation 1 along with Kabuto, Kabutops, and Aerodactyle.

He meant literally what it is, as in, what it was based off of. E.g. Magikarp being based off a goldfish, Garbodor being a trash bag, Mr. Mime being a mime, and Kecleon being a chameleon.

Omanyte = Ammonite.
Omastar is just an evolution.

lovandra, don't correct spelling if you're going to make mistakes yourself. It's pretentious and makes you look like a fool at the same time.
Re: RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 70
Golduck - 220++
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 70
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 210
Kingdra - 240
Kingler - 40
Kyogre - 50
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 140
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 140
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 80--
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Seismitoad - 0-
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 160
Swampert - 80
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 100
Whiscash - 120

Freedomeon said:
lovandra, don't correct spelling if you're going to make mistakes yourself. It's pretentious and makes you look like a fool at the same time.

I don't plan to look smart myself too. I know I'm a fool *not proud about it, but not ashame too*
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 280 +
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 70
Golduck - 220
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 70
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 210
Kingdra - 240
Kingler - 10 -
Kyogre - 50
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 140
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 140
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 80
Pelipper - 70
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 160
Swampert - 80
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 100
Whiscash - 120
RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water

Freedomeon said:
GM DracLord said:
HEAL Kingdra
HURT KIngler

I really wish people would look at the refresh time before posting...

Pity Some of us don't have the luxury to wait.. or we just don't care.'

but the true reason is because you guys post too much that the list got fall in previous pages that caused the time confusion or so
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