RE: The Pokémon Hurt and Heal Game - Longest Round Ever- Water
Azumarill - 100
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260 +
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 160
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 200
Kingdra - 200
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 60
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 120
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50 -
Seismitoad - 70
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 110
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 140
Whiscash - 120
Barbaracle - 100
Basculin - 100
Bibarel - 100
Blastoise - 260 +
Carracosta - 100
Castform - 100
Cloyster - 100
Corsola - 100
Crawdaunt - 100
Dewgong - 100
Feraligatr - 100
Gastrodon (East Sea) - 120
Gastrodon (West Sea) - 100
Golduck - 160
Gorebyss - 100
Greninja - 100
Gyarados - 100
Jellicent - 100
Kabutops - 100
Keldeo - 100
Keldeo (Resolute) - 200
Kingdra - 200
Kingler - 70
Kyogre - 60
Lanturn - 90
Lapras - 100
Lumineon - 100
Luvdisc - 100
Manaphy - 120
Mantine - 100
Mega Blastoise - 100
Mega Gyarados - 100
Milotic - 120
Octillery - 100
Omastar - 100
Palkia - 100
Pelipper - 100
Phione - 100
Politoed - 100
Poliwrath - 100
Quagsire - 100
Relicanth - 100
Rotom-W - 100
Samurott - 100
Seaking - 50 -
Seismitoad - 70
Sharpedo - 100
Simipour - 100
Slowbro - 100
Slowking - 100
Starmie - 70
Suicune - 140
Swampert - 110
Swanna - 90
Tentacruel - 100
Vaporeon - 140
Whiscash - 120