The Pokémon Project
(Gen. 1-Uprising)
Pokémon have been kept a secret from the general public for generations, and finally, a select few have formed a small rebellion. They decided to fight and come back to the world after being hidden. Many Pokémon species have gone extinct, and others have given up all hope. Each Pokémon is taken in for "the killing" by the secret government on its 20th year. There seems to be no way to avoid it, but this rebellion will make history.
(Gen. 1-Uprising)
Pokémon have been kept a secret from the general public for generations, and finally, a select few have formed a small rebellion. They decided to fight and come back to the world after being hidden. Many Pokémon species have gone extinct, and others have given up all hope. Each Pokémon is taken in for "the killing" by the secret government on its 20th year. There seems to be no way to avoid it, but this rebellion will make history.
- I Belong to You: Incorporates any love stories involved in the RPG
- Guiding Light: Incorporates any mental struggles.
1.) Roleplays are meant for dedicated Members only. If you post rubbish or become too inactive, you are ruining the quality of the RPG and will be either banned from the RPG or reported to a mod for not following the rules of the thread.
2.) Quality posts CAN be one line long, but be descriptive. The more images you create with your posts, the better the RPG becomes.
3.) Please employ common sense when making your character. Uber Characters are certainly not allowed in this RPG. All powers must be approved by me. I’m generous, but if I see anything like “Is immortal and can make everyone instantly die with my Roundhouse kick,” then I’m going to have a major issue with you.
4.) Remember, you are not in complete control of the plot and RPG. Twists are acceptable, but please don’t Powerplay this RPG and drive everyone mad. Godmodding and controlling other people characters is just as intolerable.
5.) This RPG may be fast-paced, so I won’t blame you if you miss things sometimes and ask for a recap, but try to get involved if you went out for a while or took a break.
6.) To avoid random characters missing in action, we ask you to send me a PM once you get inactive. We give your character to an other member who like to play this RP. This is only temporary. If you are inactive for an extended period of time without notice then you give away your character for the time you are out and get it back when you come back online.
7.) If players become inactive for more than six days without telling me their character will be given away to someone else. This member needs to come up with a really good reason to get his character back.
8.) I have noticed that owners of RPGs can keep control of the plot by preventing others to post if they are inactive. I’ll be kind: If I type “(Pause.)” on one of my posts, it means that I will be inactive for some time. At that moment you are only allowed ONE MORE POST after that pause and you may not post against until I resume the RPG (by posting again).
42 chocolate~Autumn the Charmeleon (Leader of the rebellion)
Computerhero~Troy Lee the Primeape
squirtli~Flare the Cubone
Bob Franklin~Walker the Hitmonlee (Co-leader)
Mimebread~Floppy the Magikarp
Guy89~Guy the Scyther
aggiegwyn~Violet the Eevee
Poke-ball~Dran the Dratini
The Flaming Ho-oh~Nessie the Lapras
Boddy903~Nido the Nidoran(Male)
Kaiserchu~Kaiserchu the Pikachu
PLATINUM226~Idem the Ditto
Profile Form
Pokémon: (Kanto ONLY)
Age: (Nothing over 20)
Appearance: (The more details, the better.)
Personality: (Remember to act like what you write.)
History: (Optional, but would be nice.)
Other: (Optional, but would be nice.)
My Character
Pokémon: Charmeleon
Name: Autumn
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: Autumn appears as a regular Charmander, but is a firm believer of rebellion, and wears a necklace with a Giratina-shaped ornament to signify this.
Personality: Autumn is a true leader, and also quite skilled in many arts. She has been planning an escape for years now, and is almost ready to take action.
History: When Autumn was a Charmander, her father told her old folk tales about the Pokémon world as it used to be. At first, she was skeptical, but then, began to wonder what this other world was like. She and her father began planning a rebellion, but in the middle of it, it came time for her father's killing. His last words were "Autumn... complete the revolution... save our world." Autumn will never be able to forget these.
Other: Autumn has an unreasonable fear of heights, and also fears the day of her killing as it approaches closer.