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The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex / Milktank)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar

  • 3 Greninja Ex (beatdown)
  • 3 Milktank (beatdown)
  • 4 Greninja (beatdown)
  • 1 Froakadier (evolve)
  • 4 Froakie (evolve)

Trainer (34):
  • 4 Professor Sycamore (draw)
  • 3 Shauna (draw)
  • 3 Skyla (search)
  • 3 N (draw)
  • 1 Dowsing Maschine (reuse trainer)
  • 2 Surprise Megaphone (enable)
  • 4 Energy Retrieval (retrieve)
  • 3 Silver Bangle (beatdown)
  • 2 Prof. Letter (search)
  • 3 Rare Candy (evolve)
  • 4 Ultra Ball (search)
  • 2 Level Ball (draw)

ENERGY (11):
  • 11 Water Energy


The main idea is to bench two Greninja and have either Milktank or Greninja Ex active to attack. Go first and start with Milktank. Bench two Froakie and evolve them next turn. Once Greninja is benched use Water Shuriken to ensure that Milktank and Greninja Ex can ohko the defender.


Basic Colorless Pokemon
Hit Point: 100
[C] Hundred Man’s Strength: 10+
If you have a stage 2 Pokemon on your Bench, this attack does 70 more damage.
[C][C][C] Hammer In: 60 damage.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Greninja Ex
Basic Water Pokemon
[W] Sharpshooting
This attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon (do not apply Weakness and Resistance to Benched Pokemon).
[W][W][C] Aqua Blast: 120
Discard 1 Water Energy attached to this Pokemon.
When Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Surprise Megaphone - Trainer (Item)
Discard all Pokemon Tools attached to your opponent’s Pokemon.
RE: The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex)

Hi folks,

Would be interested in some comments and ideas on whether this deck could be viable. Thanks for the assistance in advance.
RE: The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex)

I think it sounds good but as always stage 2 decks will have to be able to get a g9d start and good energy flow to keep up with the basic decks like yeti and the hyped yveltal decks so I would personally cut the frozen city since with water shuriken aid you are one-shotting anything on field, for another consistency card.
RE: The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex)

Hi lanman99,

Thanks for the review. How about a third Bicycle or a fourth Ultra Ball instead of Frozen City?
RE: The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex)

You might actually want to replace a Frozen City with a Victini LTR. If the coin flips for Water Energy don't work out so well, you can just flip them all again with its Victory Star ability. Sure, it would take up a space on the bench, but it does seem like a valuable addition given that this deck relies on Manaphy to set up Greninja EX using Seafaring, an attack based solely upon coin flips. Hope this helps

RE: The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex)

Hi LoneWolf2113,

Thanks for the review. Need to think about it. Do you think this deck can combat?
RE: The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex)

I would suggest throwing in Muscle Bands. That card is just good. With it Greninja Ex can hit for 140 and only needs the support of 1 Greninja Non Ex to knock out a 170 hp Ex.

Either way you may also need more energy retrievals. I understand that manaphy helps with the energy count. I just dont think you want to have to rely on it. Especially since it just attaches to pokemon and you cant use it to discard for Greninja's ability. I think some play testing is in order to see if it can dish out enough damage reliably with only 11 water.

You could also consider 1 Keldeo Ex to help cure status effects. it can also work as an attacker that can just reuse its energy. Only doing 10 less damage for the same energy count as greninja ex.
RE: The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex)

Hi Ivy_Profen,

Thanks for the review. not sure whether the deck would work. did not obtain the cards for it thus far. Muscle band has been considered but deck space is limited and thus it did not make the cut. What would you take out for three of them? At the moment I do have two SER, two ER and one Super Rod to return discarded energies. Should it be four SER and one or two Super Rods?

Not sure on Keldeo since he needs float stone to retreat and the ten less damage can make the difference between a ohko and wasted resoures. Greninja Ex only needs two water shuriken to ohko Pokémon Ex. The deck should be similar to Blastoise and Rayboar, who also need to discard three energies each turn for a ohko. However, this deck could be more flexible in case it works as intended since the entire offense line can also be used as snipers and water shuriken even bypasses Mr. Mime.

Any specific modifications that you would make to make the deck more stable?
RE: The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex)

Ok, i'm running a similar non-ex variant.

On my advise, you want to bench quicly, so a call for family maybe? Your goal is not discarding ALL water on items but rather on shurikens, so you should consider alter ways to bench yourself. Emolga LTR would suit you better than Kanghaskan, it's level-searchable and has no retreat.

Talking about retreat, narrow your Skyarrow Bridges, you don't mind normal retreat, since your mains only need 1, and as far as strategy goes, you may never attack with non-ex frogs (except you have 4, and 4 waters in hand, or facing non-ex). Also I see you don't counter status, so throw in a pair of switches instead (-2 SnB +2 Sw) and as for Frozen, I will leave it, since one really needs to counter Virbank, The best one is Pokemon Center, BUT, it will Hurt you more the opponent healing his bench than you recieving +2 dmg each attach (you can afford it)

The Manaphy line is a little doubtable, but how am I to criticize that while running 3 lines of stage 2s! I think your list does well and fine, I'll just cut one Manaphy over one bencher (the Emolga suggested) and switch the bridges with.... switches! Lol

Also one super rod is fine, i've played those Toads and you don't need them back that much late game, and a 2-2 super and normal retrieval is fine. But play test it! whatever combo suits your playstyle better.
RE: The Pond (Greninja / Greninja Ex)

Hi Sirmaiik,

Thanks for the review. Will stick to the recursion trainers then. Without a tech Delphox line too much discard could be bad. Skyarrow was mainly a counter stadium for Virbank and ohers that had at least a minor benefit. Not sure on Pokémon Center since it can hurt me more than it benefits me.

How about this:

- 2 Skyarrow Bridge
- 1 Manaphy

+ 2 Emolga
+ 1 Frozen City
Hi folks,

Revised the list above with some new cards and would be interested whether this deck is viable in a competitive format.