Pokemon: 12
Bring in the Ancient Trait Medicham, give it a strong energy or two, muscle band it, and just go to town, hitting everything twice. It's a simple strategy that I've seen a lot on TCGO. I havent finished this deck yet on TCGO, still missing 3 Medicham and 3 Fighting Stadium. I play Scramble Switch because I lack any better AceSpec.
4| Medicham (Primal Clash) (Ancient)
4| Meditite (Primal Clash)
2| Hawlucha (Furious Fists)
2| Landorus (Furious Fists)
4| Bicycle
3| Muscle Band
3| Repeat Ball
3| VS Seeker
2| Evosoda
2| Switch
1| Scramble Switch
1| Startling Megaphone
4| Professor Sycamore
3| Korrina
3| Lysandre
2| N
2| Skyla
2| Teammates
4| Fighting Stadium
5| Fighting Energy
4| Strong Energy
Bring in the Ancient Trait Medicham, give it a strong energy or two, muscle band it, and just go to town, hitting everything twice. It's a simple strategy that I've seen a lot on TCGO. I havent finished this deck yet on TCGO, still missing 3 Medicham and 3 Fighting Stadium. I play Scramble Switch because I lack any better AceSpec.