Discussion The Probability Side of PTCG


Ready or Not!
Advanced Member
I've been surfing the interweb for a little bit and came across a very interesting series of articles about the Probability in the PTCG, found here. I think they are worth the read for beginners and experts alike.

Anyways, feel free to discuss the relevance of probability in PTCG in this thread. Food for thought: How important is probability in a) Deck building and b) Playing a deck?
I feel like this is mostly for those math interested, which to be fair I am one of!
But as for learning the probability of the game from calculated numbers for a beginner I feel is a fast way to make them lose interest. Probability as a mechanic of the game is really essential.
But instead of calculating it, comparing numbers and trying to figure out if that is the number you want, you could just build your deck and play it 10 times over against something to feel if the number of for example Battle Compressors are high enough to give the once you need early enough, or too high so you end up with 1 in your hand that you do not want to use mid game all the time.
Then you just go by gut, change accordingly for a card you want instead and go with that

Maybe if you do way to much calculation you can find a good deck by math, but I would just say go with the gut feeling and take notes while testing.

And for playing, after x-amount of games you don't need to know the % chance to know if it is a good bet to use N or Professor Sycamore during that specific turn.

All in all, I say it is interesting, but definitely an Extra Academic Activity (donno the real word for it )
Fair enough. I feel that it is, however, a stable way to help those in the deck building process that often can't find what balance to put their cards, as well as reinstate principals in a different way, like why you should have 4 Juniper not only 1.