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Standard The Rise of Wynaut (Wobbuffet / Crobat)

Thunder Crown

Aspiring Trainer
I seriously think this deck has potential with all of the Abilities running in around in XY-on and the rise of Vileplume.

Pokemon: 18
  • 4 Wobbuffet
  • 4 Crobat
  • 4 Golbat
  • 4 Zubat
  • 2 Miltank (Flashfire)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 2 Shauna
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 AZ
  • 4 Dimension Valley
  • 3 Super Scoop Up
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 1 Sacred Ash
  • 1 Repeat Ball
  • 1 Escape Rope
Energy: 8
  • 6 Psychic Energy
  • 2 Mystery Energy

If you don't know how this works, Wobbuffet PHF has this handy Ability that shuts down Abilities of non Psychic Pokemon. Goodbye Shaymin-EX, Vileplume, Ariados, etc. All gone. It only works in Active Position. The main attack (Psychic Assault) essentially doubles the damage on the Defending Pokemon + 10 (+30 with Muscle Band, which we play three of). This allows for insane 2HKO potential with Bats, especially for a one energy attack (We play four Valley so we can have free bat attacks and one energy Wobbuffet attacks, which is key to keep streaming attackers).

This brings us to the next portion of the deck: the Bat engine (mobile). We play a complete Bat line, 3 Scoop and 1 AZ to keep piling damage on a Pokemon so we can 2HKO it. 3 VS Seeker recycle AZ, and we have Level Balls to get our Zubats and Golbats on the field. Miltank is a nice tech attacker, doing consistent 80 for one energy allowing us to hit things like M Sceptile-EX setting up the 2HKO.

Trainer Line-Up:
4 Sycamore: Draw Power
4 Birch: Draw all the cards!
2 Shauna: More draw, more consistency
2 Lysandre: 2hko'es galore, Pokemon Catcher allows targeting, especially with bats which already snipe. 1
1 AZ: See above, draws dead early game, just pray it isn't prized.
3 Scoop: See above
3 Muscle Band: Wynaut?
3 VS Seeker: Don't feel like four is necessary, gets supporters back etc. more consistency
3 Ultra Ball: Gets Wobbuffets, Miltank, and Crobats
2 Level Ball: Important card for getting Zubats and more importantly Golbats.
1 Sacred Ash: Helps me cope with discarding Bats with Ultra Ball or Sycamore.
1 Repeat Ball: Nice 1-of, wouldn't play more because it doesn't get the next line in Bats.
1 Escape Rope: Disrupts, and deals with Zubat starts.

2 Mystery Energy: Free Retreat, don't play more because Miltank and Xerosic, Enhanced Hammer, and other Special Energy hate.

Cards I DON'T play:
Pokemon Fan Club: I've found this card isn't necessary anymore, with Level Ball gettings bats being its primary purposes.
Item Draw (Bike, Mail, Skates): Don't have the space, also doesn't do much for the deck because we get setup relatively well.

Really we have the basic list up, now we just need to "tweak" it.
Pokemon Line-Up:
-Techs such as Dedenne and Deoxys might fit in, but in theory I don't think it would work.

Trainer Line-Up:
-Less/More Supporter draw could drastically change the odds of getting a Golbat Turn 2, and I'm still trying to find the right number.
-2 AZ could work, because if one is prized you're kind of screwed for consistent bounces.
-4 Scoop, so we have more returning to hand.
-More/Less Balls: We use three kinds of balls, so I'm not sure what line-up to use.
-the fourth VS Seeker: Seismitoad-EX is dying, and this deck already smashes Vileplume, so this as well as item draw could boost consistency.

-Less Energy? Sometimes I get hands with way too much energy and it just sits there and blocks my plays, and sometimes I can't dig and find my energy quick enough. Professor's Letter could be an option to search.

Yeah that's basically it.
Hope you liked it.
I've been testing this alot in anticipation for LÇ and cities, I can't see a reason behind playing miltank, essentially wobb is a lock and you want them to waste a supporter turn so there draw is limited, even if miltank seems like a better option for dmg output your likely to never want a crobat on the bench you'd rather have it in hand the turn after you got it back for dealing 30 somewhere so you can deal another 30 next turn and your opponent doesn't lysandre it up and ko it where as your more likely to have more zubat and golbat on board so it doesn't become a problem and dealing 30 dmg becomes the clutch play. So miltank is bad because of lock and not having a consistent stage 2 out due to drop.

I don't play scoop, but I just play AZ, imo it's better due to a simple fact, you don't need that much draw power once you have d valley, wobb and 1 psychic energy which you can simply draw into your hand. 3 ultra,3 level,1 repeat, truth is more then half of your deck runs off of level ball running low amounts doesn't help that ratio out.

Why 1 Lysandre is good enough, you control the board when it comes to dealing dmg, even if they switch something to the bench with heavy dmg on it you have bats.

1 option enhanced hammers, alot of decks gain speed or position due to dmg, vespiquen, mega t-tar, taking out the 1 DCE they have out cripples them heavily, what if they wiff it next turn?

I play 9 energy and some games feel like it's never enough.
I've been testing this alot in anticipation for LÇ and cities, I can't see a reason behind playing miltank, essentially wobb is a lock and you want them to waste a supporter turn so there draw is limited, even if miltank seems like a better option for dmg output your likely to never want a crobat on the bench you'd rather have it in hand the turn after you got it back for dealing 30 somewhere so you can deal another 30 next turn and your opponent doesn't lysandre it up and ko it where as your more likely to have more zubat and golbat on board so it doesn't become a problem and dealing 30 dmg becomes the clutch play. So miltank is bad because of lock and not having a consistent stage 2 out due to drop.

I don't play scoop, but I just play AZ, imo it's better due to a simple fact, you don't need that much draw power once you have d valley, wobb and 1 psychic energy which you can simply draw into your hand. 3 ultra,3 level,1 repeat, truth is more then half of your deck runs off of level ball running low amounts doesn't help that ratio out.

Why 1 Lysandre is good enough, you control the board when it comes to dealing dmg, even if they switch something to the bench with heavy dmg on it you have bats.

1 option enhanced hammers, alot of decks gain speed or position due to dmg, vespiquen, mega t-tar, taking out the 1 DCE they have out cripples them heavily, what if they wiff it next turn?

I play 9 energy and some games feel like it's never enough.
im interested in playing a deck like this. what would you recommend be the final decklist then? if you are taking out the miltanks..
Pretty much the above list with trainers mail, I highly encourage testing it out to get the right amounts.
Miltank is generally used for the M Sceptile-EX matchup, where Theta Stop says nope to your Bats. It puts valuable damage onto their M Sceptile-EX setting up Wobbuffet to 2HKO (they KO Miltank with or without Ariados and Wobbuffet survives barely due to shutting off Ariados). I wouldn't play less than one.

Super Scoop is a staple in this deck, play it. AZ clogs in your hand way too often to play more than 2. Lysandre at 1 is possible, but 8 energy is enough. With 4 D valley you only need four energy for all of your Wobbuffets combined. You're probably only playing 3.

What about playing 3 Crobat? I've never gotten out more than 3 and even it one was prized 2 are only needed with AZ and Scoop.
Miltank is generally used for the M Sceptile-EX matchup, where Theta Stop says nope to your Bats. It puts valuable damage onto their M Sceptile-EX setting up Wobbuffet to 2HKO (they KO Miltank with or without Ariados and Wobbuffet survives barely due to shutting off Ariados). I wouldn't play less than one.

Super Scoop is a staple in this deck, play it. AZ clogs in your hand way too often to play more than 2. Lysandre at 1 is possible, but 8 energy is enough. With 4 D valley you only need four energy for all of your Wobbuffets combined. You're probably only playing 3.

What about playing 3 Crobat? I've never gotten out more than 3 and even it one was prized 2 are only needed with AZ and Scoop.

You could probably get by with 3 Crobat since you may get a Zubat/Golbat knocked out early on to relieve you to an extra card. If you had room, Tevenant may have been a good idea. But I do think Dedenne is a very cheap and easy card for you to use against M.Ray. How often do you use VS Seeker is my question. Do you use it a lot or very rarely? If rarely, you could possibly tech in a Prof Letter as you said in your post. Or you could remove a single Mystery Energy for another tech card.
VS Seeker is one of my best cards to fetch Sycamores so we don't have to flip for Birch or go for 2 less cards with Shauna.
I would say
-1 Crobat
+1 Dedenne, depending on how big M Ray is (kind of dwindling atm, maybe the fourth scoop)
-1 Mystery Energy
+1 Professor's Letter.
Gonna go test
VS Seeker is one of my best cards to fetch Sycamores so we don't have to flip for Birch or go for 2 less cards with Shauna.
I would say
-1 Crobat
+1 Dedenne, depending on how big M Ray is (kind of dwindling atm, maybe the fourth scoop)
-1 Mystery Energy
+1 Professor's Letter.
Gonna go test
how is this deck working for you? ive tried it out a few times and i sometimes find myself struggling to get consistent bats off. maybe im just playing it wrong.
how is this deck working for you? ive tried it out a few times and i sometimes find myself struggling to get consistent bats off. maybe im just playing it wrong.

So the general play style of the standard deck list in this meta would be:
1. Don't play M-Sceptile-EX
-Theta Stop stops your Bats, and they can heal off so we can't 2HKO.
2. Aim to start with a Wobbuffet, thus slowing down their setup.
-If we can't have Shaymins you can't have Shaymins.
3. Get two Zubats down, then start leveling up from there. When space opens, a third bat is optional. If you have trouble with this running a Pokemon Fan Club could be helpful.
4. Don't play two Miltank's down, try to keep one in your deck with Birch/Shauna so if you need it you can get it. We should have 2 Wobbuffet, Miltank, and our 2 Bat lines.

I may just be not counting my losses, so I'll do some test runs.
So the general play style of the standard deck list in this meta would be:
1. Don't play M-Sceptile-EX
-Theta Stop stops your Bats, and they can heal off so we can't 2HKO.
2. Aim to start with a Wobbuffet, thus slowing down their setup.
-If we can't have Shaymins you can't have Shaymins.
3. Get two Zubats down, then start leveling up from there. When space opens, a third bat is optional. If you have trouble with this running a Pokemon Fan Club could be helpful.
4. Don't play two Miltank's down, try to keep one in your deck with Birch/Shauna so if you need it you can get it. We should have 2 Wobbuffet, Miltank, and our 2 Bat lines.

I may just be not counting my losses, so I'll do some test runs.
1. so why do we only keep 2 bats up? why not have more than 2 if possible?
2. I dont consistently start with wobbuffet, I feel like I get screwed over when I have to start with miltank and the only way to switch it without burning energy is with the 1 escape rope (I like the idea of miltanks but they seem to get in the way more than help)
3. Other than that, I've had really good games where they cant shaymin and i can get consistent KOs
I play a deck much like this, and it's wonderful... Some comments and ideas:

-Teammates is an excellent supporter to use with this deck, as once you have a good development going, It usually just takes two particular needed cards to keep on hitting after a knockout. You could try switching a Shauna/Birch out to tech one in. (I actually run two teammates in mine.)

-This is the strangest thing I must tell you: My deck variant doesn't have any Pokeball-type search cards in it, but it still works quite well consistently... I guess it's because there's not much of a variety of Pokemon you need to put in play, so you're more likely to get the ones you need from draw alone... Either that, or Teammates work quite well in my deck anyways. I think if you need to add space for ideas, switching out 1 or two Pokeballs of your choice won't hurt you much. I might add a couple repeat balls in my deck for consistancy, after some thinking.

-Miltank is a great card to use - I never even thought of it myself! I just chose a 2-2 Trevenant line, as not only does it lock items, but its attack can snipe the bench, and has great synergy with Bats and Mystery Energy, too. But Miltank might as well be just as good.

Otherwise, your variant looks quite effective.
I play a deck much like this, and it's wonderful... Some comments and ideas:

-Teammates is an excellent supporter to use with this deck, as once you have a good development going, It usually just takes two particular needed cards to keep on hitting after a knockout. You could try switching a Shauna/Birch out to tech one in. (I actually run two teammates in mine.)

-This is the strangest thing I must tell you: My deck variant doesn't have any Pokeball-type search cards in it, but it still works quite well consistently... I guess it's because there's not much of a variety of Pokemon you need to put in play, so you're more likely to get the ones you need from draw alone... Either that, or Teammates work quite well in my deck anyways. I think if you need to add space for ideas, switching out 1 or two Pokeballs of your choice won't hurt you much. I might add a couple repeat balls in my deck for consistancy, after some thinking.

-Miltank is a great card to use - I never even thought of it myself! I just chose a 2-2 Trevenant line, as not only does it lock items, but its attack can snipe the bench, and has great synergy with Bats and Mystery Energy, too. But Miltank might as well be just as good.

Otherwise, your variant looks quite effective.
hmm ok i might swap out an ultra ball for teammates.
We don't need more than two to get going, but late game it may be smart to play down the third bat if we know we can continuously stream attackers. Because our bench space is tight (Miltank if something heals or other kinds of disruption, a Crobat/Golbat we can scoop, play on to the second one, then scoop on the second turn, and Wobbuffet when our Active gets KO'ed). Also we have around 4 switching cards (escape rope and 3 scoop for Miltank starts and AZ if you're desperate), so unless you're still uncomfortable you can play more. Miltank is just a really nice secondary attacker that can put damage counters in an emergency or after a Wobbuffet is revenge killed

Lanstar how on earth are you getting multiple Crobats and Wobbuffet? Maybe I'm just unlucky, but I played 2-2 Ultra Ball / Repeat Ball pre AOR and it didn't work. Also the second problem with Teammates is that we really don't want our opponents to be able to attack until late game: if we need to get a Pokemon Knocked out to get a search, it hinders our setup and lets our opponents to "catch up" with their setup and draw Lysandres to break the lock. Trevenant could work, but my problem is that its a stage 1, doesn't hit hard, needs 2 energy, and clogs hands.
Yeah, as I figured Tevenant would clog your hand for this kind of setup you have going.

Jesse, the reason you keep only two Bats up is due to space. If you have a Wobbufett and two Bats up, that's already half of your space being played. With only three slots left you really have to think about what you need to lay down and what your opponent is possibly playing. As far as bat consistency, only thing I could see is running more items that pull it out like Teammates (blah) or like you have Level, Ultra, and Repeat Ball. Only other thing I can think of is dropping a Stadium by one if you need to add another ball is a possibility if you really want to keep Miltank since it's a one energy attacker.
Yeah I gotcha. After a lot more playing with this deck on TCG One I really like it a lot! It is consistent and does well all game. I've had a lot of games where I can get set up with wobb and a couple bats by turn 2 and it really overwhelms some of the slower decks. Also it is hilarious to see people play shaymin and then they pause because it has no effect xD
I just bought most of what I need for this deck off trollandtoad and looking forward to bringing this to some local tournys.
Since everyone is talking about XY8 cards and the like, I saw the new Supporter Bridgette (PokeBank person in ORAS),
Bridgette – Trainer

Search your deck for 1 Basic Pokemon-EX or up to 3 Basic Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-EX) and put them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).

Basically a better Pokemon Fan Club considering we don't play EXs. It allows Wobbuffet + 2 Bats whenever we need it. Now the question is how much do we play?
Since everyone is talking about XY8 cards and the like, I saw the new Supporter Bridgette (PokeBank person in ORAS),
Bridgette – Trainer

Search your deck for 1 Basic Pokemon-EX or up to 3 Basic Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-EX) and put them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).

Basically a better Pokemon Fan Club considering we don't play EXs. It allows Wobbuffet + 2 Bats whenever we need it. Now the question is how much do we play?

I think it's going to vary on how aggressive you want to play. If you're a really aggressive player, then I'd suggest 2-3 of Bridgette to get Pokémon out quickly as possible, if you're playing a bit more passive then 1-2 maybe the better way to go. Another factor is if you really want to use Bridgette out of the gate or not. Bridgette could be one of your ace cards. What I mean by that is setting up all your Zubat and then playing Bridgette next turn to then deal 60 damage in one turn with Golbat or 30-90 with Crobat. It boils down to how aggressive and how you want to play the card. In my opinion I'd swap out Shauna for Bridgette simply because of Birch. Yes I get that Birch has a chance to only give you 4 cards, but it also can give 7 and Shauna is a constant 5 cards max. This is just simply preference as Birch seems to be the better card in this deck in my opinion.
I've been messing around with this deck a bit recently, and I'm starting to think that even the decks that "shouldn't be playing Shaymins" should still play Shaymins. Even though Wobbuffet is your main attacker and is almost always Active, there are still some times that you could still play your own Shaymins since you can control whether or not Bide Barricade is active. Crobat and Golbat both have free retreat, so you could easily play Shaymins after they KO a Wobbuffet. There's also at the start of the game when you start with Zubat. I've already tried one Shaymin, and I like it so much that I'm thinking about playing a second one. It's not even a liability late game with all of the SSU and AZ. As long as you remember that you can't play it when Wobbuffet is active, you should be good.
I've been messing around with this deck a bit recently, and I'm starting to think that even the decks that "shouldn't be playing Shaymins" should still play Shaymins. Even though Wobbuffet is your main attacker and is almost always Active, there are still some times that you could still play your own Shaymins since you can control whether or not Bide Barricade is active. Crobat and Golbat both have free retreat, so you could easily play Shaymins after they KO a Wobbuffet. There's also at the start of the game when you start with Zubat. I've already tried one Shaymin, and I like it so much that I'm thinking about playing a second one. It's not even a liability late game with all of the SSU and AZ. As long as you remember that you can't play it when Wobbuffet is active, you should be good.
Im playing this deck personally for the fact that i dont have to buy shaymins. But I could see the argument to use a couple