BW/BW2 The starter's 2nd and final forms

Now that you know all there forms, which are you going to pick in the game

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Aspiring Trainer
How do you like the starter 2nd and final forms, now that you know there forms, which starter are you going to pick?

I am going to pick either the grass starter or the water starter.
Y'know, these haven't been confirmed to be real yet. Don't get your hopes up. :x
But if they ARE real (God forbid), I'll be going with Pokabu. It's the only starter that keeps even a slight similarity with the base form throughout its evolutions, so... yeah. ._.
i think they look great and really different, i love them! im definitely starting out with the grass one it looks wicked! the fire one is my least favourite and im praying that its not another fire/fighter type. We need something different. maybe all of them will be strictly one type. I'd be okay with that!
They haven't been confirmed as real yet. (In fact we haven't really had one shred of proof yet)

My preference based on basic forms alone would be:

1. Mijumaru
2. Pokabu
3. Tsutaja

and my preference taking these evolutions into account:

1. Tsutaja
2. Mijumaru
3. Pokabu

Much is riding on whether these are real or fake for me then...
oh dear god, please let them be fake. I absolutely despise these evolutions. I had hope for this generation and thought it's new cartoony look could turn out to be nice and pleasing to the eye. But these are the worst starters in the history of pokemon and people keep telling me I will buy and play the games anyway, I am actually beginning to reconsider. As a 16 year old in High School, I have been considering dropping the game for some time. These evolutions might be the beginning of the end for my pokemon loving career.
Mijumaru always and forever. u.u
You people are obviously complaining to much about them, they may be real or fake; but I can see the resemblance in all of them you guys are to busy looking for flaws. :/​
Serebii confirmed them, what more do you want? :/

Honestly I'm not really sure which one to choose anymore. Normally I always try to get all 3 and given the Global Terminal it kind of doesn't really matter which one I get first as I'll end up getting the other 2 sometime later once I can offer another of the one I end up choosing. Though even then it's hard to decide because all of their final forms look fantastic, but so far my vote is going to Pokabu because of it's final forms similarities to Ganon. :/
I like all of them, actually. I was hoping that the final forms would narrow down my choices for me, but it kind of did the opposite. Now I want all of them. I'd say that I like the Grass and Fire ones best, though. Any info/speculation on their types?

Looks like fire/fighting, & water/rock, and the grass just looks...grassy. Could be psychic-y, though, too.
Can't we just post this on my thread? If not, fine. But my thread would fit this content. I couldn't report, because I didn't know how to report it. Anyways...

Wotter evo all the way. He is such a cool otter.
I sort of hope they are fake, only the next CoroCoro will tell us. Anyway I think I will go for mijumaru because overall I like his evolution line the best. I absoloutly love his last stage.
I was actullay considering Tsutarja, but Mijumaru is kinda edgeing to me. on't want Pokabu though...
But His 3rd Evolution yells, "Sweet!" I don't like Pokabu though...
Anyway, I'm looking for pluses, and the Metagame Players would choose the one that change it.
Theres a good point. We don't know where these guys sit considering tiers. If Wotter's evo is a NU, I will be sad.
Tsutaaja is the one I'm picking. The evolutionary stages actually look natural, as opposed to Mijumaru's. Pokabu's line is the worst I've seen, probably in the Pokemon game. I've said this before, but Pokabu's final stage resembles Magmortar and Rhyperior. The huge arms and those fiery shoulders are shared components.

I hope these are fake.
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Y'know, these haven't been confirmed to be real yet. Don't get your hopes up. :x
But if they ARE real (God forbid), I'll be going with Pokabu. It's the only starter that keeps even a slight similarity with the base form throughout its evolutions, so... yeah. ._.

Agreed! I don't like Pokabu very much but even though all final stages look horrible to me, Pokabu's final stage is the least horrible to me.

And I had so much hope for Tsutaaja:(...
Still hoping they're fake...
Mijumaru's final evo is probably my favorite final starter evolution ever. I so hope they're real. The Conch shell on its head could act as a way for it to use electricity, and be the Water/Electric type I've been wanting for a while. I think either Water/Electric, Water/Ground, Water/Ice (I don't want it, but its plausible) or just pure Water.

Tsutaja's is really cool. I like how to resembles the evolution of snakes, and it looks almost kingly. It looks like it'll learn DragonBreath. Typing could be Grass/Dragon, Grass/Psychic, Grass/Flying or just pure Grass.

Pokabo's is okay. It looks like a pig cave-man, which just sounds epic. It also looks like Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda, who is also epic. As for typing, Fire/Dark, Fire/Fighting (nonono) or pure Fire. Hey, maybe we'll get our first good pure fire type.

BTW, anyone notice the similarlities between these starters and the Hoenn starters. Pokabo's evos and Combusken/Blaziken both look like fighters, Sceptile and Tsutaja/Tsutaja's first evo resemble lizards, and Mijumaru's first evo looks like Marshtomp.
I think about 99% of normal people would disagree. Pokabu's evolutions look NOTHING like him! I was hoping for a bull, or boar, or even a pig! I REALLY hope they're fake, only because of the Pokabu evolution. I DO love the others, though.
the new forms are fake for numerous reasons that i dont feel like posting(i will if somebody asks me)
and judging by what we know about the starters currently, im voting for tsutarja
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