BW/BW2 The Third Unova Game

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Steelix Bait
The third Unova game. What do we actually know about it? I realize that it is pretty early to be discussing the sequel to two games that aren't even out yet, but it's still the 5th generation and I'm interested to learn more about what the game might wield.

From common sense, research, and just obvious facts, I've figured out a few things. Keep in mind that I have not touched Black or White yet, and have purposefully not read up on the story or events. I'm just an interested Pokemon fan. :)

The game will most likely be gray, or some variation of the dull color. The game will probably focus on Kyurem, much like Emerald focused on Rayquaza. We may also discover N's real name, and I'm also assuming that we will either be able to access both Black City and White Forest, or there will be a whole new area to explore.

Please leave your thoughts. I'm very interested in how Pokemon games play out with their sequels, and Unova in general.
...there's a rule here that prevents a new thread from being made about the third game. This would be better off if moved to the future games speculation thread.
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