The Top 10 Voting Is Back! Come Vote! Deadline is now March 1rst so vote vote vote!!!


Come vote at top ten on Pokebeach!
Hello! And welcome to the 2009 Voting of The top 10 on Pokebeach This year trophys will be awarded to 1rst 2nd and 3rd!!!!!!!
Now before you start voting you should look at 2008 winners and the rules below the winners:
Best clan and club: Team Renegade- Bonsly1994
Best Game Corner Discussion: The Chillax Zone- Porygon
Best Caledon Mart Shop: The Elite Spriters of Pokebeach-Bonsly1994
Best Real World Discussion: Super Bowl XLII- Neviak462
Best General Pokemon Discussion: Playing Pokemon-N/A

Rules and Regulations:
1)Must follow all Pokebeach Rules no matter where they're posted!
2)You can vote a max. of 3 times :)
3)Fill out a form below Good News:
4)Look at the categories under the form
5)Have Fun!!

Good News:
They're are more categories this time and anyone tht isnt locked or shut down in that section is a nominee!

Fill Out Form:

Name of Thread/Group/Person:
How many votes you want to put towards it:(max 3)

Favorite Trade Corner Discussion:

Favorite Trade Council Member

Favorite Clan/Club

Favorite Caledon Mart Shop:

Favorite Pokemon Tcg Thread:

Favoite Enertainment Talk Thread:

Favorite Real World Discussion Topic:

Favorite Game Corner Discussion:

Favorite Pokemon Gaming Discussion:

Favorite Moderator Moderating over the clans and club:

Favorite overall moderator:

Favorite overall Thread:

So get your thread voting because your going to need as much as you can get!

Results So Far:
Favorite Trade Corner Discussion
TofU's Ramen Cart---Won another Cities! Have a ton of stuff! New wants!-- :1

Favorite Clan/Club

Team Icefire:5

Team Impulse:1

The Konoha Clan:1

New Moon Clan:1

Team Renegade:3

The Elite:1

The Smashers Club:2

Favorite Trade Council Member
Favorite Caledon Mart Shop:

Soul Art:11
Konoha village worshop:1
Fresh Designz:1
Lucky Song's Gallery:1
Favorite Pokemon Tcg Thread:
Worst Card:2
Favoite Enertainment Talk Thread:

Favorite Real World Discussion Topic:
Craziest part of your day:1
Macy's Day RickRoll:1
Beach Picture Thread:1
Favorite Game Corner Discussion:
Members vs Staff Members:1
The Chillax Zone:2
Rate my sig:2
The newer generation:1
Favorite Pokemon Gaming Discussion:
Gold and Silver Remake Petition:2
Favorite Moderator Moderating over the clans and club:
Favorite overall moderator:
Doc Robot:2
Favorite overall Thread:
Team Impulse:1
Top 10 voting:1
Final Fantasy IV:1
Prof. Shinx's Trade thread:1
The Ghost Army:1
If you would like to help me count pm me and you can get started as soon as I pm you back![/ :)

Thanks Neviak462
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Category: Celadon Mart
Name of Thread/Group/Person: Soul Art
How many votes you want to put towards it:(max 3) 3
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Favorite Caledon Mart Shop: SoulArt (1 point)
Favorite overall moderator: Noobnerd (1 point)
Favorite Clan: Team IceFire (1 point)

RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Favorite Clan/Club- Team Impulse- SotH

Favorite Caledon Mart Shop:-FRESH Designs

Favorite Real World Discussion Topic: Craziest part of your day

Favorite Game Corner Discussion: Members VS. Staff Members

Favorite Moderator Moderating over the clans and club: Noobnerd

Favorite overall moderator: Doc Robot

Favorite overall Thread: Team Impulse- SotH
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Favorite clan & club - Team Impulse (1 pt.)
Favorite celadon mart - Soulmart (1 pt.)
Favorite overall mod - PMJ (1 pt.)
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Favorite Clan/Club
|---The Konoha Clan---|: 1 point

Favorite Caledon Mart Shop:
Konoha Village Work Shop (My one): 2 Points

Favorite Pokemon Tcg Thread:
Am I allowed to vote for 2 of them?

Favorite Pokemon Gaming Discussion:
PokéBeach Forums's Vending machine game (Started by Me): 2points

Favorite Moderator Moderating over the clans and club:
Charizard88+: 2 Points (awsome Wi-Fi Trader also)

Favorite overall moderator:
Heavenly Spoon :F & Noobnerd (SN): Both 1 point (each)
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Uh, LV, you do know that the Vending Machine nomination should be under Game Corner, not Pokemon Gaming Discussion.

Speaking of Pokemon Gaming Discussion, I nominate the petition thread for a GS remake, which was started by me.

I'll post other nominations at a later date.
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!!!!

Favorite Clan/Club:Team Icefire(Tofu)

Favorite Caledon Mart Shop:Soul Art(Soul Seeker)

Favorite Pokemon Tcg Thread:Worst TCG Card(Zyflair)

Favoite Enertainment Talk Thread:???

Favorite Real World Discussion Topic:????

Favorite Game Corner Discussion:The Chillax Zone(Porygon)

Favorite Pokemon Gaming Discussion:GS Remake Petition(Blue Thunder)

Favorite Moderator Moderating over the clans and club:Charizard88

Favorite overall moderator:pMJ. You're awesome dude!

Favorite overall Thread:??

All one point.
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Favorite Caledon Mart Shop: [Soul Art]

Favorite overall moderator: PMJ

Favorite overall Thread: Prof. Shinx's Trade thread - [H] Lots of new crud! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!
LOL... :p
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!!!!

New Results Posted Check them out!!
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

YOu should have added a Favorite Trade Council Member there as well. They're not to be neglected and unappreciated. lol
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Favorite Caledon Mart Shop: Soul Art

Favorite Game Corner Discussion: Rate my Sig. Helpful to see if you have a good sig.

Favorite overall moderator: PMJ

Favorite overall Thread: The Top 10 voting s Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Can I vote a second time please ? Only one point ^^''
I'd like to vote for Xous' Avatars, they're amazing!
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

You mispelt Konoha!
Could you please fix it.
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Favorite clan: New Moon Clan
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Btw you forgot to add the point for Fresh Designz =P
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Game Corner - Telephone.
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!!!!

Everything Updated and new voting areas added
RE: The Top 10 Voting Is Back! It is time to decide our 2009 Winners!

Favorite Clan/Club: The Elite- An art clan for the ages.
Favorite Caledon Mart Shop: LuckySong's Gallery
Favorite Real World Discussion Topic: The Newer Generation- Less Intelligent
Favorite Game Corner Discussion: Rate my SIG
Favorite Moderator Moderating over the clans and club: Charizard88
Favorite overall moderator: scampy
Favorite overall Thread: The Ghost Army (I have to be loyal, lol. :p)