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The Truth needs help


"Im not sure" trainer
strategy: well, everybody knows, but get out vilplume and reuniclus out asap and start taking unanswered prizes becuase of donphan/dragons/reuniclus collabaration

pokemon: 27
3-2-2 reuniclus
3-1-2 vileplume
2-2 donphan
1-1 blissey
2 zekrom
1 reshiram (really needed?)
1-1 SEL
2 pichu
1 cleffa

2 pokemon communication
3 rare candy
1 copycat
2 seeker
2 N (should i run it?)
3 collector
3 cheren (or sages?)
4 Twins

energy: 12
4 {C}{C}
1 {R}
3 {F}

needs help i know its not perfect- not even close
Well, I don't think that its a bad list; It is almost the same list that google took to 2nd place at Worlds, with a different TSS lineup. But, of course, playing The Truth is about more than just your list. It requires a huge amount of testing, so that you get the feel of the deck, and how to play it.

Still, from my own testing with The Truth, here is what I'd suggest:

-1 Reshiram
-1 Pichu

+1 Kyurem

-2 Pokemon Communication
-1 Copycat
-3 Cheren

+1 Rare Candy
+1 N
+1 Pokemon Collector
+2 Proffessor Oak's New Theory
+2 Proffessor Elm's Training Method

In my experience playing The Truth, Pokemon Communication hasn't been as useful as advertised; The Matches that you will win, and win well, are the ones that have you setting up Vileplume on Turn 2. In that capacity, PETM is an additional option for digging further into your deck to get at the cards you need, without conflicting with your Trainer lock. The Extra Collector, PONTS and N all up the consistency ever so slightly, and N is one of the most amazing supporters to use in a slower set up deck in the format, second only to Twins. The Truth, I think, is the deck that gains most from it, besides Primetime and other Magnezone variants (but thats mostly because of Magnezone's amazingness, rather than N itself).

Kyurem offers better type coverage than Reshiram, but you don't really need access to more than two heal sinks. Zekrom fills that role fine, if you like. Pichu isn't as good a play as extra Pokemon Collectors, and since Playground shows your opponent that you are playing The Truth straight away, they'll often be reluctanct to KO it, denying you Twins access. Its also a huge liability later on in the game, both from Donphan's Earthquake and opposing Snipers. I'd consider removing it as well, perhaps for another draw Supporter or Indigo Plateau (Tropical Beach is an unrealistic expectation to make of every person on the forums, but if you do have access to it, definitely run it)

Anyway, I wish you good luck.
i find that a 3-3donphan works a lot better.

O and 3 sages.

dont run N
Kyurem is seeing alot of play due to CaKE and such, so running Cobalion and/or
Steelix Prime would be great in this deck. If you go with Steelix and get out Reuniclus on your bench you can tank like a boss, Cobalion on the other hand can enable you OHKO's with Iron Breaker or force your opponent to skip an attack with their Active on their turn.
The Truth is a metagame counter deck, so I don't understand why you are posting this without telling us what's in your meta. What is popular where you are from, so I know what changes to make?