Pokemon: 25
3 Regigias EX ND
2 Cobalion NV
2 Terrakion NV
1 Mewtwo EX ND
3-1-2 Vileplume UD
3-2-2 Reuniclus BW
2 Pichu HGSS
1-1 Blissy HGSS
Items/Supporters: 21
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Sage's Training
3 N
4 Twins
2 Seeker
3 Pokemon Collector
Energy: 14
4 Prism
4 Sp. Metal
2 Metal
Twins, because this deck is supposed to fall behind early. Typical Truth stuff, lock opponent, making sure they can't 1 shot everything by spreading damage.
Regigigas EX: It's second attack is basically Outrage, but with a base power of 50 instead of 20, and this would be considered the mainly focused Pokemon. It has 180 HP, so NOTHING can one shot it with Item Lock. With Reuniclus, I can swap damage on/off of it to one shot anything I like.
Cobalion: Stalls, like a BOSS in this deck. Can be considered a tank with Sp. Metals, and the only thing that could OHKO it is the Dragon EX's.
Terrakion: Magnezone has little resources against it. Main reason I run Prism.
Mewtwo EX: Counter of itself. Not sure if 100% necessary.
Do you think there's any cards coming out in Next Destinies that would be good for this deck? I don't think so, but if you have any suggestions, please post. Thanks!
3 Regigias EX ND
2 Cobalion NV
2 Terrakion NV
1 Mewtwo EX ND
3-1-2 Vileplume UD
3-2-2 Reuniclus BW
2 Pichu HGSS
1-1 Blissy HGSS
Items/Supporters: 21
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Sage's Training
3 N
4 Twins
2 Seeker
3 Pokemon Collector
Energy: 14
4 Prism
4 Sp. Metal
2 Metal
Twins, because this deck is supposed to fall behind early. Typical Truth stuff, lock opponent, making sure they can't 1 shot everything by spreading damage.
Regigigas EX: It's second attack is basically Outrage, but with a base power of 50 instead of 20, and this would be considered the mainly focused Pokemon. It has 180 HP, so NOTHING can one shot it with Item Lock. With Reuniclus, I can swap damage on/off of it to one shot anything I like.
Cobalion: Stalls, like a BOSS in this deck. Can be considered a tank with Sp. Metals, and the only thing that could OHKO it is the Dragon EX's.
Terrakion: Magnezone has little resources against it. Main reason I run Prism.
Mewtwo EX: Counter of itself. Not sure if 100% necessary.
Do you think there's any cards coming out in Next Destinies that would be good for this deck? I don't think so, but if you have any suggestions, please post. Thanks!