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The Truth with Groudon (post Next Destinies)


Miss the game
Pokemon (23):
2 Groudon EX
2 Kyurem
3-1-2 Vileplume
3-2-2 Reuniclus
1-1 Blissey
2 Pichu
1 Cleffa

Energy (11):
5 Fighting
4 Prism
2 Rainbow

Trainers (26):
4 Twins
4 Sages Training
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
2 N
1 Tropical Beach
1 Flower Shop Lady

Regular Truth strategy. Start spreading with Groudon and then use his second attack. Kyurem is a backup attacker.
RE: The Truth (post Next Destinies)

Im not really sure about having all EX's for attackers because if it doesn't get set up fast enough the 2 prizes can kill you.
RE: The Truth (post Next Destinies)

If they ko an EX and take two prizes it wouldn't be all to bad if I eventually set up as they shouldn't take another prize for the rest of the game. If I never got fully set up, I would lose anyways, EX's or no EX's.
RE: The Truth (post Next Destinies)

you lose prizes will setting this deck up, EXs can make you lose too many b4 setting up. and you cant assume they wont take a single prize after you set up....
RE: The Truth (post Next Destinies)

At max I would lose maybe 1-2 prizes after I set up. The entire point of google is to not give up any prizes. It's not like EX's are easy to kill anyways, it would at least need to be two-shotted, and I could probably be set up at least by the time one dies.
I like it; Groudon is a solid attacker, and with the engine of The Truth making it near impossible to KO it without Weakness or Magnezone. It wouldn't be my EX attacker of choice (that'd be 'Gigas), but it does the job and does it well. By the third turn of Groudon attacking, it'll have the ability to KO everything that has 140 HP or less.

I'm not sure I like 3 Copies though, much less the 2 Mewtwo EX; having too many EX will clog your bench with high energy attackers, and while they make premier Damage Sinks, you can't risk putting much damage on them lest they become a 2-prize liability. I agree with the others that you will lose prizes before you're set up, and with 5 EXs, there is a very real possibility that they will be stuck in the active and die before Vileplume and Reuniclus get into play. You also can't assume that you're invincible once you set up; you're not, The Truth is just very durable past a certain point. You can still lose the game rather easily if you don't play smart.

I'd like to see some less high maintenance Attackers in here, that don't have the EX rule dragging them down. Zekrom works well, especially since it hits every meaningful Water attacker for weakness (okay, I suppose not Feraligatr, but that can't KO Groudon anyway as long as you don't leave all your damage on it), as well as just being a solid Outrager. Practically everything that resists Fighting is weak to Lightning, so it has some decent synergy there, which Mewtwo lacks (that only really opens you up to the contingent of Mewtwo counters that will undoubtedly find their place in the format). I'd also like to see Suicune Entei Legend here, to really net the best type coverage you can get your hands on, with not unrespectable bulk. It also has the benefit of not being able to get stuck in the active before you're set up, so its not a prize liability in the early game.

So, anyway, these are the changes I'd suggest

-1 Groudon EX
-2 Mewtwo EX

+2 Zekrom
+1 Suicune Entei Legend (Top)
+1 Suicune Entei Legend (Bottom)

-1 Eviolite
-1 Flower Shop Lady
-3 Rescue Energy
-1 Fighting Energy

+4 Rainbow Energy
+1 Fire Energy
Eviolite and Mewtwo would be my Seismitoad counter, so I'm a little unsure about taking them out. I'll go with the rest of the suggestions though.

-1 Groudon
-1 Mewtwo
-3 Rescue
+2 Zekrom
+3 Rainbow
Worrying about Seismitoad is like a box of chocolates...wait, no, that doesn't work.

Anyway, I don't think that Seismitoad is ever really going to matter. If they manage to pull off a Round for 120, Groudon EX is going down regardless or whether it is holding an Eviolite (remember, this is a Trainer Lock deck, so that won't happen often. Hardly ever, in fact). Mewtwo also doesn't really counter Seisimtoad, because it never OHKOs it. Virizion would serve you better if you find yourself worrying about the toad that much, and Zekrom can Outrage KO it.

It also is incredibly doubtful that anyone will seriously play Seismitoad; 3 Stage 1s with high retreats and a Stage 2 to do 120 damage? No thank you. You might face it at leagues, but it'll never have a serious influence on the metagame.
The problem is, it can easily get 60-90 T2 and then 180 T3-4. Mewtwo with an Eviolite and Engine would be the only thing that could withstand it.