• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

The Truth


Aspiring Trainer

3-1-2 Vileplume
3-2-2 Reuniclus
2-2 Donphan
1-1 Blissey
1 Cleffa
2 Mewtwo Ex
2 Cobalion
2 Shaymin Ex
1 Reggigas Ex


4 Twins
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Sages Training
2 N
2 Seeker
1 Tropical Beach
3 Communication
3 Rare Candy


4 Rainbow
2 Special Metal
1 Fighting

Just usual strategy. Get Vileplume and Reuniclus going then damage swap to keep pokemon alive. Attacker depends on situation.
If you are using Cobalion EX in this list, you haven't seen the news, Cobalion EX hasn't been anounced, and when Cobalion EX is (if) released in english, rotaation will have occured, so Collector, Vileplume, Sage's, Donphan, Rainbow, Seeker, Special Metal, Twins and PONT will all be rotated.
Oh, continue
-1 Gloom (1 is plenty)
-1 Cleffa
-1 Shaymin EX

+2 Mewtwo EX
+1 Sage's
+1 Terrakion
-2 Mewtwo EX (Really, this deck runs on using as little energy as possible, Mewtwo doesn't)
-2 Shaymin EX (Its only good if you have grass energies)
-2 Cobalion (Not needed)
-1 DCE (You have no Dragons, it's kinda waisted)
Total (-9)

+1 Kyurem (Reshiboar counter, and Outrager)
+1 Zekrom (Just as a Tornadus Counter)
+1 Reshiram (Good as an Outrager)
+2 Sages (Vital to this deck)
+2 Prof. Juniper (Small hand + Juniper = Amazing powers)
+1 PONT (You need to Draw Power)
+1 Fighting Energy (For Donphan)

I hope this helped :D
Martini said:
-2 Mewtwo EX (Really, this deck runs on using as little energy as possible, Mewtwo doesn't)

Mewtwo runs off of a DCE. So does Kyurem, Zekrom, and Reshiram. Your argument = invalid :)
Mora said:
Mewtwo runs off of a DCE. So does Kyurem, Zekrom, and Reshiram. Your argument = invalid :)

If you want to actually get KO's, Mewtwo needs more than just 2 energies...

I don't see where my arguement is invalid with DCE, and dragons though?? 1 for each of them, makes the world spin for this deck.
Yes, but then again, loading up damage counters on an Outrager cuts both ways. You get KO's, but so does your opponent. With trainer lock and damage swap, I don't see any problem with not OHKO'ing (except of course other Mewtwos, but in trainer lock, you can typically see those coming from a mile away). I could work with only 80 damage per turn, and I think that both are equally playable.

And what I was getting at was they can both still attack for a DCE.
Mewtwo is really good with attacking plus it counters. I ran 2 in my deck and it has helped a lot. Try
-1 Shaymin EX (only 1 needed)
-1 rare candy (2 has been enough for me)
-1 twins (3 is enough)
-2 rainbow (you will want basic energies because they can be recycled)

+1 PONT (good hand refreshment)
+1 N (good hand refreshmentand disruption)
+1 FSL (recycling)
+2 fighting (for donphan)
Yeah, keep at least one Mewtwo. Otherwise, they will stall and refrain from attacking you until they have a benched Mewtwo with six energy on it, ready to ko anything you put out. If you have your own benched Mewtwo, you can retaliate and it'll hopefully be a while before they can setup another Mewtwo with that much energy on it under trainer lock.