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Hello all! My name is Alex Koch. It has been a while since I wrote for PokeBeach, so I just want to thank everyone involved in editing my article, and allowing me to post it! Hopefully everyone enjoys the read.
To give you some background on myself, I’ve been playing Pokemon since the very beginning. I was never really a competitive player until around the HeartGold-SoulSilver era. I finally got my big break with a runner up finish at Vancouver Regionals in 2014. Since then, I gathered together four Worlds invites, a few Top 8 finishes here and there, and most importantly, a community of people from across the globe that I am able to call my friends!
In my real life, I am a teacher! When I was going to school to get my degree, one of my favorite professors told me, “Good teachers borrow. Great teachers steal and modify.” It basically breaks down to, “if you want to be a great teacher, steal a lesson someone else has done, and modify it to best suit your classroom and needs.” If...

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So what happened to this article? I was interested in reading it, but there were server problems every time I tried, and now it's... gone. Off the front page. I get a 404 error if I click "Read more."