Hello Pokebeachers I've been looking at the new Dragon Vault cards and I saw Salamence and got this idea.
Pokemon (18)
4-4 Honchkrow Dragons Exalted
3-1-3 Salamence Dragon Vault
3- Mewtwo EX Next Destinies
T/S/S (34)
4- N Noble Victories
4- Juniper Black and White
4- Hooligans Jim and Cas Dark Explorers
2- Random Receiver Dark Explorers
4- Pokemon Catcher Dark Explorers
3- Switch Expedition
3- Communication Heartgold Soulsilver
3- Lv. Ball Next Destinies
4- Crushing Hammer Emerging Powers
3- Rare Candy Great Encounters
Energy (8)
4- Dark League Holo Black and White Energy
4- Double Colorless Base
Strategy- Use Salamence Ability to put your opponent hand down to 4. Then hope you get heads on hooligans to put them down to 1. Then you want to use Honchkrow to get rid of all the cards in their hand. You want to get cheap kos with Honchkrow and Mewtwo in this deck and use Hammers to disrupt your opponent even more.
Pokemon (18)
4-4 Honchkrow Dragons Exalted
3-1-3 Salamence Dragon Vault
3- Mewtwo EX Next Destinies
T/S/S (34)
4- N Noble Victories
4- Juniper Black and White
4- Hooligans Jim and Cas Dark Explorers
2- Random Receiver Dark Explorers
4- Pokemon Catcher Dark Explorers
3- Switch Expedition
3- Communication Heartgold Soulsilver
3- Lv. Ball Next Destinies
4- Crushing Hammer Emerging Powers
3- Rare Candy Great Encounters
Energy (8)
4- Dark League Holo Black and White Energy
4- Double Colorless Base
Strategy- Use Salamence Ability to put your opponent hand down to 4. Then hope you get heads on hooligans to put them down to 1. Then you want to use Honchkrow to get rid of all the cards in their hand. You want to get cheap kos with Honchkrow and Mewtwo in this deck and use Hammers to disrupt your opponent even more.