The Worst Lvl. X so far...


Aspiring Trainer
Right guys and dolls. Since DP-Platinum is coming to an end and it will soon be the end of the first rotation of Lv.X and I want to know which you think is the worst one.

I'm going to stake my claim early with this fine entry!... I was going to choose Honchkrow X, because I just hate it however in the end I chose Rayquaza C Lvl.X. It might be controversial, but I'm sorry. I see no point in developing Lvl. X cards that are impossible to use in competitive play.

It's HP is fine for an SP pokémon. But SP decks are meant for speed and quick knockouts... This has neither longevity or speed. Sorry Rayquaza fans!

Dialga LV.X I didn't find particularly useful. Its Poke-Power is way too flippy for me. Yes it can be amazing if you the coin flips go your way. It can also be terrible if the coin flips don't go your way. Its attack isn't anything too spectactular either.
The Honchkrow lv.x Was good when DRE was still around.
I think the Electivre FB lv.x is pretty bad.Endind your turn only to be Power Sprayed nice.
If you get power sprayed you get to do whatever else in your turn, unless I am mistaken.
I WOULD say Infernape Lv X (DP), but I actually just thought of a possible good combo for it. coughninetailscough.

So Im going to go with Alakazam E4 Lv X.

Its power is a weak version of Cresselia's, and its attack is just horrible.
shadoworganoid said:
I WOULD say Infernape Lv X (DP), but I actually just thought of a possible good combo for it. coughninetailscough.

So Im going to go with Alakazam E4 Lv X.

Its power is a weak version of Cresselia's, and its attack is just horrible.

Wow, that's actually quite controversial. I quite like Alakazam E4.... Although now you mention it I don't quite know why!? I'm no sure it's the worst one out there though.

I agree with Dialga, it is actually shocking!
shadoworganoid said:
I WOULD say Infernape Lv X (DP), but I actually just thought of a possible good combo for it. coughninetailscough.

So Im going to go with Alakazam E4 Lv X.

Its power is a weak version of Cresselia's, and its attack is just horrible.

Alakazam is actually really helpful. Move damage counters on to an SP Pokemon on your bench and just Poke Turn the damage away.

I'm going to have to say Charizard G Lv. X. Five energy for 150, but if you flip tails, they all go away.
Worst Tier:
Charizard G
Infernape (DP)
Rayquaza C
Alakazam 四
Dialga (GE)
Arceus (Meteor Blast)

Bad Tier:
Arceus (Psychic Bolt)

Not Great/Misused/Never Used Much Tier:
Garchomp (MD)
Mismagius GL
Arceus (Omniscient)
Excuse me? Rhyperior? Really?

At my country, a Rhyperior deck never lost a match at nationals in Senior. It's way underrated.
BlazeTK, you are wrong to say that Lucario Lv.X was never used. Back when it first came out, all the hype was on it. It was in a simple little deck called Mario (Machamp DP and Lucario DP+Lv.X).
shadoworganoid said:
I WOULD say Infernape Lv X (DP), but I actually just thought of a possible good combo for it. coughninetailscough.

So Im going to go with Alakazam E4 Lv X.

Its power is a weak version of Cresselia's, and its attack is just horrible.

how is moving around as many damage counters as you like between SP pokemon a weak version of just moving one damage counter from one pokemon in play to another.......u lost me there, but the bad thing about A4X is it's retreat cost, the same with E-vire FBX

and Infernape Lv. X is fun...I had a lovely deck with it that I might revive with Ninetales (HGSS), that I had considered when first I heard about the Ninetales

I think I will have to go with Ray-CX for being, and I'm a Ray fan, but after trying to build a solid deck with it, considering it is to be a main attacker, it's just too difficult to be able to consistently either have no hand, or to constantly load energy every turn

Char-GX would be my next choice, 5 energy consistently, and not that grand hp, binder bait for sure

the rest, I don't really have all that much of a problem with...Dialga is too fun, it's just meant as a fun tech anyway...Rhyperior is a beast when used correctly, but is difficult to pull off

some X's were meant as techs, some were meant as attackers, outside of the 2 that I mentioned...the rest aren't that bad at their jobs, imo
dragonexpert said:
If you get power sprayed you get to do whatever else in your turn, unless I am mistaken.

Nope, you have to end your turn, same as Hippowdon Lv.X can't use his power anymore.
I'm going to have to agree with Rayquaza C, I mean if the game were played slower back in the base set days, it may have been good. But the game is too fast for the card to even be effective.
but Dialga has NO playable features whatsoever! Its 110% FAIL and it should be compared in badness to some of the old school exs. I cant think of a worse insult than that for a card! There's NOTHING competitive about it and if you own one you should burn it. At least rayquaza can be used as an effective tech in a deck not as an attacker but as an energy sponge(It doesn't have to be active for its power to work). Dialga has no uses in a deck whatsoever and i would trade it for a turtwig! I mean at least the turtwig can evolve into something decent. There's a reason that dialga LvX was voted as the worst LvX...forever now that they stopped making them. It deserves it for its extreme failitude!!!!!!!
Dialga? Rayquaza? People, the worst X is Luxra-*shot*

Anyways, one of the worst X is Raichu X.

Don't anyone dare say anything about how they have a deck with it and it works really well. The card is a terrible card, it's weak and a crappy attack. Just in general the thing sucks. So please don't say a thing.
Seth1789110 said:
Dialga? Rayquaza? People, the worst X is Luxra-*shot*

Anyways, one of the worst X is Raichu X.


Just get out! :p