
Aspiring Trainer
So today was somewhere near the 9000th time I saw someone all going crazy about how his deck was going to be teh next archetype. Then I ask myself: why? So I started analyzing some things...and came up with this little topic, I guess.

This is what can happen
1) Your deck will not be an archetype, so you've been making a total fool of yourself.
2) Your deck will be an archetype. So what?
-Everyone will forget who the "creator" was within 2 weeks, since NOONE in the TCG scene EVER gives credit to anybody. I've experienced this quite some times already.
-Your deck will be played so much that either an easy weakness of it will be discovered and everyone will start beating it, or that it seems hard enough and everyone will tech something in to win.
-The best part of a non-archetype deck, the element of surprise, will be long gone.

Neither of these things will help YOU, YOUR deck or YOUR rankings. And that's the reason you created the forsaken thing in the first place, right? To storm the rankings at some big event, be it BR, Nats or Worlds. If you've been advertising your archetype all over the place, this will obviously not gain you anything.
OR you created and advertised it for fun cuz you wanted to see all the wannabes use your not-so-good-after-all-but-still-an-archetype deck. In that case, nice one. ^^d

So erm, just tell me whether you agree with this or not, why YOU think it's (not) beneficial to have an archetype deck, etc etc. Thank you for your time xP

Yeah, I'll just play around for a while.

And yes, thinking things are archetypes are dumb. Unless you actually win worlds with it, you're not getting it to be an archetype. If it does, it's probably been modified and played my some other TCG genius.
Well personally, I like playing Archetypes with my own little twist which adds a little element of surprise. Several times I've had opponents get really arrogant saying " I can destroy that deck" but then my little surprise comes along and normally they don't continue laughing!
The honor of creating you own Archetype is what makes you feel good.... Thats why everyone wants to make an Archetype...
Archetypes are rarely ever created by solely one person anyway. People from all over the globe play this game, and they don't all log on to sites like Pojo or Pokebeach or Pokegym and scoop the latest strategies-- they come up with them just like we do on their own, or in small independent groups. There are only so many cards out there, and only so many combos, and only so many viable options. Archetypes aren't created in a vacuum by one or two individuals and then distributed to the rest of the gaming community, who all that time has just been sitting back waiting to be spoon fed. This game has a lot of active imaginations and strategic minds all racing towards the same general ideas. There are some archetype exceptions, of course (some people would single out Jimmy Ballard as a guy who has given us a few archetypes, such as Destiny), but on the whole, if you think you've single-handedly created an archetype that no one else has thought of, you're probably wrong. It doesn't mean you can't feel good about your deck, it just means you weren't the first or only one to think of it.

And StealthAngel667 is right. It is pretty foolish and even counterproductive to advertise something you've created as a potential archetype. Why would you want that to happen anyway, other than to feed your own ego? If you come up with a deck that is truly brilliant and effective, keep it to yourself and don't leak it out so people can devise ways to take it down, or steal it right from under you and possibly go places with it that they wouldn't have been able to otherwise. It's like finding gold and then advertising it to the whole neighborhood rather than keeping it to yourself (selfish, yes, but that's kind of how you have to be when competition is involved). Most of the "archetypes to be" aren't even golden anyway. People throw that term around a lot without even really knowing what it means. HAYMAKER is an (old) archetype. MEWTRIC is an archetype. METANITE is an archetype. Some random combo-driven deck is not, unless tons of people start playing it and tons more people start considering it a legitimate threat worthy of trying to foil.
Its a good idea to post bad decks as archtypes. Look at the claydol scandal. EVERYBODY went crazy about the card, even though it was obviously a bad card. People tested like crazy and tried to find a counter for a bad deck. Point is, compition wasted time, people were caught off gaurd, and players won. So posting a "good" deck can be helpful if you truely have a monster in the winnings and hope everybody doesn't realize the deck you posted isn't playable and shouldn't be used.
Papi/Manny said:
Its a good idea to post bad decks as archtypes. Look at the claydol scandal. EVERYBODY went crazy about the card, even though it was obviously a bad card. People tested like crazy and tried to find a counter for a bad deck. Point is, compition wasted time, people were caught off gaurd, and players won. So posting a "good" deck can be helpful if you truely have a monster in the winnings and hope everybody doesn't realize the deck you posted isn't playable and shouldn't be used.

Cam't say how many times I've seen/done that :p But don't completely discount the idea of creating an archtype. King of the West (Ludicargo) was discounted too. Before it took worlds ofcourse. Still, making an archtype is like winning a lottery. A watse of Time and Money to do, and leaves most people with squat. Still, 1 person eventually wins...
It does spoil he game when everyone plays the same deck. But I don't think that there is ever a definitive creator of archetypes. There are probbly Japanease players who play and think of the arche-types before the cards come out anywhere else.
That's true. In a sense, the rest of the world will always be playing catch-up to the Japanese since sets are released there several months before the translations even hit our shores. If anyone's going to be able to say, "I thought of that first!", it's likely going to be someone from Japan.
However the Japanese have a larger format than the rest of the world. They are either TRR or RS on for most events. That gives them access to many combos that just don't work in our format.

For example Electavire + Dragonite is hugely popular there based on what I've read ... however that's something that's not ever going to see play in worldwide modified. This leads to our format using other combos ... sometimes less effective ones & sometimes just ones that the Japanese missed. For instace Electivire + Flygon d & Magnezon or Electivier + Raichu.
W0w this is good stuff... it reminds me of some group here that plays at a different level... they seem to be always thinking of wierd play... they don't know whats in and whats not but they make a hell of a deck like that metal control deck with empoleon not attacking its wierd... it whipped an infercatty deck XD...