So today was somewhere near the 9000th time I saw someone all going crazy about how his deck was going to be teh next archetype. Then I ask myself: why? So I started analyzing some things...and came up with this little topic, I guess.
This is what can happen
1) Your deck will not be an archetype, so you've been making a total fool of yourself.
2) Your deck will be an archetype. So what?
-Everyone will forget who the "creator" was within 2 weeks, since NOONE in the TCG scene EVER gives credit to anybody. I've experienced this quite some times already.
-Your deck will be played so much that either an easy weakness of it will be discovered and everyone will start beating it, or that it seems hard enough and everyone will tech something in to win.
-The best part of a non-archetype deck, the element of surprise, will be long gone.
Neither of these things will help YOU, YOUR deck or YOUR rankings. And that's the reason you created the forsaken thing in the first place, right? To storm the rankings at some big event, be it BR, Nats or Worlds. If you've been advertising your archetype all over the place, this will obviously not gain you anything.
OR you created and advertised it for fun cuz you wanted to see all the wannabes use your not-so-good-after-all-but-still-an-archetype deck. In that case, nice one. ^^d
So erm, just tell me whether you agree with this or not, why YOU think it's (not) beneficial to have an archetype deck, etc etc. Thank you for your time xP
This is what can happen
1) Your deck will not be an archetype, so you've been making a total fool of yourself.
2) Your deck will be an archetype. So what?
-Everyone will forget who the "creator" was within 2 weeks, since NOONE in the TCG scene EVER gives credit to anybody. I've experienced this quite some times already.
-Your deck will be played so much that either an easy weakness of it will be discovered and everyone will start beating it, or that it seems hard enough and everyone will tech something in to win.
-The best part of a non-archetype deck, the element of surprise, will be long gone.
Neither of these things will help YOU, YOUR deck or YOUR rankings. And that's the reason you created the forsaken thing in the first place, right? To storm the rankings at some big event, be it BR, Nats or Worlds. If you've been advertising your archetype all over the place, this will obviously not gain you anything.
OR you created and advertised it for fun cuz you wanted to see all the wannabes use your not-so-good-after-all-but-still-an-archetype deck. In that case, nice one. ^^d
So erm, just tell me whether you agree with this or not, why YOU think it's (not) beneficial to have an archetype deck, etc etc. Thank you for your time xP