Things that you want to happen one day?


Aspiring Trainer
One day, I want to complain of an unown Q start before the game begins... just to reveal that I have 4 unown Q's in play.

Also, to start with five benched pokemon. (i.e, spiritomb magnemitex4 and regirock/unown/something)

One thing that will never happen, though; because I refuse to run SP, is a turn one donk including crobats, 4 poke turns and 4 junk arms donking a field of 3-4 pokemon without attacking.
Jahikoi said:
One thing that will never happen, though; because I refuse to run SP, is a turn one donk including crobats, 4 poke turns and 4 junk arms donking a field of 3-4 pokemon without attacking.

I want to get an invite/trip to Nationals, nuff said.

I'd also want to see if I can make my opponent deck out because of me having no basics to start with :p
Darkvoid57 said:
I want to get an invite/trip to Nationals, nuff said.

I'd also want to see if I can make my opponent deck out because of me having no basics to start with :p

I enjoy living two hours away from Indy :p
I would love an invite to worlds but my ranking is only 1576.73 :( (Troll battles be trolling.)
I want to start with a Psyduck TM, have my opponent start with a lone Unown Q/Magikarp/Hoppip/Solosis, go first, attach a water energy, use Tripping Headbutt, and flip heads.
Start an Eevee RR, with BTS, Special Dark Energy, Umbreon UD, Expert Belt, two pluspowers, and Uxie
To start with

Spiritomb, Spiritomb, Oddish, Gastly, Haunter, Gloom, Uxie

Then draw BTS as first draw, play uxie, get Gengar X, Psych Energy, Vileplume, Gengar SF

That would be pretty sweet
Start with Mew Prime, 2x Collector, Psychic Energy, Smeargle, 2x Rescue Energy.
That would make my day.
I want to win Worlds with a Magicarp deck that uses T-Tar with no Larvitars for intimination only :)
More Trapinch donk! I've donked once with Trapinch! :p Just added an Expert Belt and a DCE, and bingo! My first donk.
A donk that seems completely impossible but happens. It happend once, (E-belted Seedot MD and DCE v.s Baltoy MD) and I want it to happen again.

Total phail. I meant Seedot DP and Baltoy GE. Now I feel like a total idiot.
venasour x said:
A donk that seems completely impossible but happens. It happend once, (E-belted Seedot MD and DCE v.s Baltoy MD) and I want it to happen again.

yes...that donk is quite impossible :p seeing as those cards dont exist :p
I want to work up the courage to actually visit my closest league one of these days. Stupid shyness. It'll happen someday. >_>
catutie said:
venasour x said:
A donk that seems completely impossible but happens. It happend once, (E-belted Seedot MD and DCE v.s Baltoy MD) and I want it to happen again.

yes...that donk is quite impossible :p seeing as those cards don't exist :p
He means Seedot DP and Baltoy GE