I don't think we should have any "super" cards at all, because they are getting out of control. Dialga/Palkia Legend from CATS can return a pokemon and all cards attached to your opponent's hand(which by the way, if your opponent has no pokemon in play left, HE LOSES). On top of that, it can also put 2 PRIZE CARDS onto your opponent's stack at the cost of 2 metal energy. That's just unfair. And I think this is just the beginning. Soon a 10-year old with no experience in the game will be able to crush a pokemon card champion because he has some super card that has 200+ HP, ultra high attack, and the only thing standing in the way of the kid getting said card is the $50 price tag. I think that the future pokemon tcg game will become basically a contest of who can put together the highest,"Super card" deck. I also think that Nintendo will just keep making the "super cards" more powerful, rare and expensive in order to force players to spend lots of money in order to get the right rare cards for a deck, and generate more revenue for them!!!
You may think I'm exaggerating or overreacting to these new legend cards, but check out the tcg game in 5-10 years and you will see yourself why I am warning you not to support the continuation of the pokemon "super cards"!!!
~You've been warned by Silvermakimore and his fathful Celebi