Things You Want For The "Black And White" Card Series

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Rotom 64

Heres Rotty!
What Do You Want Changed For The Black And White Cards?

I Would Like The Lev. To Return(From Gen 1 and 4) and the Reprints, and SH Cards to return as well. I don't need to say that i want the EX/LV.X/Prime to return, because I'm sure that they will.
I Also Want The Legends Back but I don't want them to have 2 pieces to use the card.
I just hope that the "super" card(s), like the Exs and Lv.Xs aren't a ridiculously bad idea.
For them to look like my BW fakes =0

Seriously though, what I want is to have more diversity in what comes out in the sets. Like a whole bunch of new, not broken effects, great artwork, and good assortment of T/S/ST, yeah.
I hope they continue the Legend cards. At least until we have every legendary pokemon on a card. lol

A new draw engine that is usable in all decks like claydol is.

No major rule changes.

With those 3 factors, Im happy.
I don't think we should have any "super" cards at all, because they are getting out of control. Dialga/Palkia Legend from CATS can return a pokemon and all cards attached to your opponent's hand(which by the way, if your opponent has no pokemon in play left, HE LOSES). On top of that, it can also put 2 PRIZE CARDS onto your opponent's stack at the cost of 2 metal energy. That's just unfair. And I think this is just the beginning. Soon a 10-year old with no experience in the game will be able to crush a pokemon card champion because he has some super card that has 200+ HP, ultra high attack, and the only thing standing in the way of the kid getting said card is the $50 price tag. I think that the future pokemon tcg game will become basically a contest of who can put together the highest,"Super card" deck. I also think that Nintendo will just keep making the "super cards" more powerful, rare and expensive in order to force players to spend lots of money in order to get the right rare cards for a deck, and generate more revenue for them!!!
You may think I'm exaggerating or overreacting to these new legend cards, but check out the tcg game in 5-10 years and you will see yourself why I am warning you not to support the continuation of the pokemon "super cards"!!!
~You've been warned by Silvermakimore and his fathful Celebi
Silvermakimore said:
I don't think we should have any "super" cards at all, because they are getting out of control. Dialga/Palkia Legend from CATS can return a pokemon and all cards attached to your opponent's hand(which by the way, if your opponent has no pokemon in play left, HE LOSES). On top of that, it can also put 2 PRIZE CARDS onto your opponent's stack at the cost of 2 metal energy. That's just unfair. And I think this is just the beginning. Soon a 10-year old with no experience in the game will be able to crush a pokemon card champion because he has some super card that has 200+ HP, ultra high attack, and the only thing standing in the way of the kid getting said card is the $50 price tag. I think that the future pokemon tcg game will become basically a contest of who can put together the highest,"Super card" deck. I also think that Nintendo will just keep making the "super cards" more powerful, rare and expensive in order to force players to spend lots of money in order to get the right rare cards for a deck, and generate more revenue for them!!!
You may think I'm exaggerating or overreacting to these new legend cards, but check out the tcg game in 5-10 years and you will see yourself why I am warning you not to support the continuation of the pokemon "super cards"!!!
~You've been warned by Silvermakimore and his fathful Celebi

You might as well stop playing this game then if you feel so negative...
I do agree that they need to tone down on the game's power creep, so far it doesn't seem to be the case judging from upcoming sets being leaked. Power creep does build up throughout each new set with new card synergies being made but you can only go so far.
There are only three things I want:

1. Levels.
2. Pokémon information.
3. Pokédex entries.


Other than that, I really don't care.
Silvermakimore said:
I don't think we should have any "super" cards at all, because they are getting out of control. Dialga/Palkia Legend from CATS can return a pokemon and all cards attached to your opponent's hand(which by the way, if your opponent has no pokemon in play left, HE LOSES). On top of that, it can also put 2 PRIZE CARDS onto your opponent's stack at the cost of 2 metal energy. That's just unfair. And I think this is just the beginning. Soon a 10-year old with no experience in the game will be able to crush a pokemon card champion because he has some super card that has 200+ HP, ultra high attack, and the only thing standing in the way of the kid getting said card is the $50 price tag. I think that the future pokemon tcg game will become basically a contest of who can put together the highest,"Super card" deck. I also think that Nintendo will just keep making the "super cards" more powerful, rare and expensive in order to force players to spend lots of money in order to get the right rare cards for a deck, and generate more revenue for them!!!
You may think I'm exaggerating or overreacting to these new legend cards, but check out the tcg game in 5-10 years and you will see yourself why I am warning you not to support the continuation of the pokemon "super cards"!!!
~You've been warned by Silvermakimore and his fathful Celebi

PDL send the pokemon from the bench, so deletion win is impossible (if bangiras is correct in her translation, which she always seems to be, plus the fact she does it better than TPCi)
DRE so SP can still dominate, just like DCE was reprinted in HG/SS.

dmaster out.
DRE only works on evolved pokemon so it will make evolution decks more balanced with SPs and that's probably what dmaster meant.
Meaty said:
DRE only works on evolved pokemon so it will make evolution decks more balanced with SPs and that's probably what dmaster meant.

Actually I want DRE to work for everything.

And shadow, they dominate now, yes. But Machamp is going to be better with no Unown G in the Format.

dmaster out.
Lol true. I just want some type of broken Energy to come back to at least follow the pattern of what HG/SS did. And DRE would fit that perfectly.

dmaster out.
What I want is NO gimicks. Look at the gimicks in the past. LV X's are not playable on their own, save for maybe 4... they need the under form to make them good. They cannot function as their own deck (SPs don't count).

I disliked the SP gimmick all together. Should not have been done. I want something more along the lines of Great Pokemon. Those I supported. Great pokemon had nothing special about them. They were just rare cards. Some became playable, but none ever used to their full potential. The formula obviously worked. Look at EXs. They are normal cards that are harder to search for, and give 2 prizes. In exchange, they were much better than the average card. They had no special rule to them save for the 2 prizes and difficulty to search for.

Also, in black and white, I would love to see a story being told. I loved the delta series for many reasons. In a way, it told a story. It created much fanfic to be written about it. There seemed to be a factory that created these pokemon... with electrode/magneton/castform acting under control, and the others went out into the wild... Nvm... just thinking :D I'd enjoy something like this however. Something that, through art, tells a story. B/W seems to be a JRPG of sorts, so this story-style shouldn't be too hard to pull off.
^I agree with Zero completely.

The game should allow all cards an equal chance. You will never see salamence played currently because the SP pokemon decks. But heres the funniest part of that whole thing; Salamence is ONLY weak to SP decks. Any other deck is fair game.
To put it simply, I agree that SP cards should never have been made.
The game required plenty of skill before SP's existed and would still going forward too.
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