This is stupid

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Aspiring Trainer
Hasnt the current Poll been going on for like, 4 months now? WPM either you do polls or you don't, hurry the {word deleted} up ffs

-kashmaster is right, tone down the language, and if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
You mind toning down the language?

Firstly he is a busy guy. He is doing the website for US. Not for him. It is just a poll. If you ask me you have issues >.>
Yes, obviously the poll is the most important thing on the site and will therefore be treated with utmost priority, especially because someone who cannot spell squirtle right and needs to do abbreviated swearing to get his points across makes a fuzz about it. This is also a major topic concerning the trading card game itself rather then just the main site which has its own part on the board.

This topic is stupid indeed.
Are you crazy? This is the best toopic ever!
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