This just in...Flygon is pwn (??)


Aspiring Trainer
To be honest, I'm not very pro-gon. I loved how flygon looked and what I thought it could do, but after playtesting - and destroying - it in BRs and other venues, I hated the little ****.
However, after seeing flygon sweep dutch nationals and now canada nationals, I'm kind of wondering "how the the heck??!!". Maybe it's Dusknoir DP tech, or pokedrawer+ speediness, but I can't imagine flygon doing that well. Perhaps everyone was so scared of gengar that they unown g'd up but never covered themselves in the straight damage department. Flygon seems to do 100 a turn consistently for 3 energy and can one-shot level x's, but I at least hoped that something could simply out-strategy any straight-damage deck. Anyone have any ideas as to why flygon ISN'T overhyped as once previously thought.
Metagames differ in different countries and areas. Those areas probably just had a favorable environment for flygon.
What makes it a good deck is Palkia LV.X. If you dont use it, its actually horrible, and people dont realize that.
GHJamesGH said:
What makes it a good deck is Palkia LV.X. If you don't use it, its actually horrible, and people don't realize that.

I never even thought to put that in when i playtested it (maybe because I don't have it) but that really explains alot. Thanks for clearing that up :D
What was in the Flygon that you pwned? Also with Palkia and Dusknoir and any other lines you play it can be very competitive if you have the right list.
gengar the baller said:
What was in the Flygon that you pwned? Also with Palkia and Dusknoir and any other lines you play it can be very competitive if you have the right list.

It was Flygon/Rhyperior, and it was against the seniors regional champ. Except, I've beaten every other deck he's had (porygon, darkrai, empotina, dialga g) with this same deck i always use. But no flygon i've played used palkia, so i guess that's why i've beaten them.
i dont really see how this beat luxape.
my luxape has only lost to flychamp.
i played against a flygon with weavile and palkia and destroyed it.
I personally run FlyChamp with a Dusknoir tech for unfavorable Gengar matchups. The deck is a lot faster than you'd think, and Gather Sand reallt speeds it up. Palkia sounds interesting, but that's one less damage with Power Swing...
darksoulSP said:
I personally run FlyChamp with a Dusknoir tech for unfavorable Gengar matchups. The deck is a lot faster than you'd think, and Gather Sand reallt speeds it up. Palkia sounds interesting, but that's one less damage with Power Swing...

Maybe too fast in your case!

And beedrill is already barely killed, eh?
GHJamesGH said:
What makes it a good deck is Palkia LV.X. If you don't use it, its actually horrible, and people don't realize that.

This is totally wrong. Palkia provides nothing Flygon needs. The deck is too slow so being able to bring up your opponent's support pokemon to KO doesn't help when they're already got a full set-up and KO'd you lone flygon you built up with 3 energies.

Flygon is a decent deck with weavile/dusknoir. It's good. BDIF? ehhhh. Still good, solid choice.
Why do you think Palkia is a bad card for Flygon you can put a 1-1 line in your Flygon/Weavile. When it comes out you can totally disrupt their field. l
Medaforcer said:
darksoulSP said:
I personally run FlyChamp with a Dusknoir tech for unfavorable Gengar matchups. The deck is a lot faster than you'd think, and Gather Sand reallt speeds it up. Palkia sounds interesting, but that's one less damage with Power Swing...

Maybe too fast in your case!

And beedrill is already barely killed, eh?

UGH! I am NOT staring a flame war Taylor!! :)
gengar the baller said:
Why do you think Palkia is a bad card for Flygon you can put a 1-1 line in your Flygon/Weavile. When it comes out you can totally disrupt their field. l

Takes up room, isn't particularly useful, takes away from Power Swing damage (makes it super tough to hit 130), etc.
Ariadosguy said:
gengar the baller said:
Why do you think Palkia is a bad card for Flygon you can put a 1-1 line in your Flygon/Weavile. When it comes out you can totally disrupt their field. l

Takes up room, isn't particularly useful, takes away from Power Swing damage (makes it super tough to hit 130), etc.

Yeah but then again palkia brings up a weaker pokemon so that you can ko it without having to have a bunch of evolved pokemon on your bench
Infernapwn4 said:
It's not THAT good it's just honestly that america and japan are the only countries that play extremely competetively.
What utter ****. I seem to remember the Senior World champ was from England last year. But obviously he doesn't play extremely competetively.

On topic, most of the time is the player. If someone has practiced enough with a deck and knows how to run it inside and out to each match-up, they have a good chance at winning. Some of the Flygon players would have practiced and learnt there decks. Just because you pick a Tier 1 deck doesn't mean you win against anything lower.
Infernapwn4 said:
It's not THAT good it's just honestly that america and japan are the only countries that play extremely competetively.
Really? Cause last time i checked Canada and other countries like England, or "Other Countries" has been doing really well at worlds.

Flygon is good, Play Weaville, Palika LVX and Dusknoir DP and you have a deck with CRAZY consistant games.