To be honest, I'm not very pro-gon. I loved how flygon looked and what I thought it could do, but after playtesting - and destroying - it in BRs and other venues, I hated the little ****.
However, after seeing flygon sweep dutch nationals and now canada nationals, I'm kind of wondering "how the the heck??!!". Maybe it's Dusknoir DP tech, or pokedrawer+ speediness, but I can't imagine flygon doing that well. Perhaps everyone was so scared of gengar that they unown g'd up but never covered themselves in the straight damage department. Flygon seems to do 100 a turn consistently for 3 energy and can one-shot level x's, but I at least hoped that something could simply out-strategy any straight-damage deck. Anyone have any ideas as to why flygon ISN'T overhyped as once previously thought.
However, after seeing flygon sweep dutch nationals and now canada nationals, I'm kind of wondering "how the the heck??!!". Maybe it's Dusknoir DP tech, or pokedrawer+ speediness, but I can't imagine flygon doing that well. Perhaps everyone was so scared of gengar that they unown g'd up but never covered themselves in the straight damage department. Flygon seems to do 100 a turn consistently for 3 energy and can one-shot level x's, but I at least hoped that something could simply out-strategy any straight-damage deck. Anyone have any ideas as to why flygon ISN'T overhyped as once previously thought.