New Deck list 9/10/14
Get out the 3 Ourus Pokemon & KO Pokemon.
The fossil & other cards are for backup.
Please let me know of any suggestions.
Was mostly trying to make a deck with the latest set.
One that isn't involving any EX Pokemon.
3 Tyrunt (Furious Fists 63/111)
3 Tyrantrum (Furious Fists 64/111)
3 Dedenne (Furious Fists 34/111)
3 Landorus (Furious Fists 58/111)
3 Thundurus (Furious Fists 33/111)
3 Tornadus (Furious Fists 86/111)
3 Professor's Letter
3 Battle Reporter
3 Fossil Researcher
3 Bianca
3 N
3 Pal Pad
3 Colress
3 Jaw Fossil
3 Professor Juniper
6 Fighting
6 Electric
3 Double Colorless
Get out the 3 Ourus Pokemon & KO Pokemon.
The fossil & other cards are for backup.
Please let me know of any suggestions.
Was mostly trying to make a deck with the latest set.
One that isn't involving any EX Pokemon.