Three words --> sentence story


So I heard you like muDkiPz!
In this game you take the three words the poster above you has posted and include those words in a short story. :D


Person 1: shirt. Dog. Glue
Person 2: A man wearing a shirt ate glue and got licked by his dog. Phone. Apple. Desk

And remember:
- The sentence story can make no sense whatsoever.
- You can use any basic word, preferably a noun.
- If you want you can use two sentences.

Next poster starts
One day the sun decided to play some hard core metal. The people complained becuase it was not rock.

beach. eating. burger
A man sat on a bench eating a burger, and the bench ate him. >:)

Frog. Pyromaniac. Microwave.
A pyromaniac threw a frog in a microwave, hoping it would burst into flames.

A cat was on the internet, while eating pizza.

Shaymin, Apples, Glasses.
An Ice type Wynaut thought of c4.

Uberchu.Bankai.Fart of Apocalypse
The Fart of Apocalypse rang out from Uberchu's rear, causing Bankai to faint from the stench and a new page to form on this thread.

7, 8, 9.
7 Uberchu defeated 8 legendarys of every kind, and 9 Raichu.

Shaymin, TCG, Pokemon.
Shaymin was playing the TCG then he realised he was on a pokemon card.

ipod, guitar, slugma
Slugma was playing the guitar with an ipod in his pocket.
