Throw Away the Commenting System?

Water Pokémon Master

I like Pokemon more than you! :p
Elite Member
Advanced Member
Si o no? The forums are actually getting active, and no one is posting in the commenting system, so I would assume one takes away from the other. If I did that whole forum commenting thing again, would you guys post in the news topics?

Yep. My thoughts exactly.

The News forum is for discussing the News that appears on I think that it would be almost pointless to discuss the News comming in using both the commenting system AND the forums. IMO, there should just be a link at the bottom of the news on the main site saying "Do you want to discuss this further? Go to the forums!! [link]" or something like that.

Ah. History sure loves to repete itself. Eh, WPM? :p

I have no personal preference one way or the other. But ya gotta admit, the forums have never been this active. Ever. as far as I know.
I never use the commenting system, and I feel it would be nice to click on comment and it lead to these forums.
Ya I agree, we really don't need the commenting system considering the fact the forums has been this active. Just put a link on the news topics to a thread on the forums to discuss the topic. ^ ^