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Standard Thunder Bolt (Ampharos GX / Zeraora GX / Zapdos / Zebstrika / Tapu Koko Prism / Tapu Koko)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar


Pokémon (14):
  • 1 Tapu Koko Prism (accelerate)
  • 2 Zapdos SM8a (beatdown)
  • 3 Ampharos GX (attacker)
  • 3 Mareep SM8 (evolution)
  • 1 Zeraora GX (beatdoen)
  • 2 Zebstrika SM7 (draw)
  • 2 Blitzle SM8 (evolve)
Trainer (34):
  • 4 Volkner (searches)
  • 3 Guzma (control)
  • 4 Cynthia (draw)
  • 4 Lillie (draw)
  • 1 Rescue Stretcher (retrieval)
  • 4 Electric Power (beatdown)
  • 2 Choice Band (beatdown)
  • 3 Rare Candy (evolution)
  • 3 Ultra Ball (search)
  • 3 Nest Ball (search)
  • 2 Aether Paradise Conservation (protect)
  • 1 Thunder Mountain Prism (enable)
Energy (12):
  • 12 Lightning Energy


Start with either Mareep and bench one Blitzle and an additional attacker. Use Blitzle to search out Electric Power and evolve it into Zebstrika later on. Use Volkner to search out Rare Candy and some additional Electric Power. Zebstrika compensates for the reduction in draw power due to the reliance on Volkner. In the first few turns attack with either Zapdos or Ampharos GX. With Ampharos focus on Power Recharge to return used Electric Power from the discard to the hand. Later on focus more on Impact Bolt and Zeraora GX to achieve ohkos.


Ampharos GX
Stage 2 Lightning Pokémon
HP: 240
[L] Power Recharge: 30
Put all Electric Power cards from your discard pile into your hand.
[L][L] Impact Bolt: 150
Discard all [L] energy from this Pokémon.
[L] Electrical GX:
Search your deck for up to 7 Pokémon, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.
Retreat Cost: CCC
Weakness: F
Resistance: M

Basic Lightning Pokémon
HP: 50
Ability: Fluffy Pillow
Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokémon is your active Pokémon, you may choose to leave your opponent’s active Pokémon asleep.
[C][C] Tackle: 20
Retreat Cost: C
Weakness: F
Resistance: M

Basic Lightning Pokémon
HP: 60
[L] Delivery Dash
Search your deck for up to 2 Electric Power cards, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.
[L][C] Electric Kick: 20
Retreat Cost: C
Weakness: F
Resistance: M

Stage 1 Lightning Pokémon - evolves from Blitzle
HP: 110
Ability: Fast Break
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may discard your hand and then draw 4 cards.
[L][C] Head Bolt: 60
Retreat Cost: C
Weakness: F
Resistance: M

Basic Lightning Pokémon
HP: 110
[L] Assault Thunder: 10+
If this Pokémon became your active Pokémon this turn, this attack does 70 more damage. This attack’s damage isn’t affected by Weakness.
Retreat Cost: CC
Weakness: L
Resistance: F

Tapu Koko Prism
Basic Lightning Pokémon
HP: 130
Ability: Ancestor’s Dance
Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokémon is on your bench, you may use this ability. Choose 2 of your benched Pokémon and attach 1 [L] energy card from your discard pile to each of them. Then, put this Pokémon in the Lost Zone (discard all cards attached to this Pokémon).
[L][L][C] Mach Bolt: 120
Retreat Cost: C
Weakness: F
Resistance: M

Electro Power
Trainer - Item
During this turn, your [L] Pokémon’s attacks do 30 more damage to your opponent’s active Pokémon.

Thunder Mountain Prism
Trainer - Stadium
The attacks of each player’s [L] Pokémon cost [L] less.
As long as this stadium is in play, whenever a player uses an item or supporter card from their hand, prevent all effects of those cards done to this stadium.
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