Hey guys! This is my newest deck. I decided to start building it today after I played 4 M-Rayquaza decks in a row on PTCGO. The idea of the deck is to not only hit M-Rayquaza and Shaymin EX for weakness for easy KOs, but also use Raichu as my main attacker to dish out massive damage with Sky Field ( he hits for 160 with a full bench). I'm open to any suggestions, so let me know what I should fix before I begin testing! Testing is currently undergoing, and with great success!
Pokemon - 18
EDIT (June 4, 2015) - Okay so I actually made a major change to this deck and I can say that it helped immensely. I dropped the Manectric line and increased Raichu to a 4-4 line. Additionally, I use 4 Wobbuffet now, not only to bench sit, but also serve as a great opener to shut down Shaymin early game. Absol is another great card that lets me not only fill up the bench even more, but also provide a nice form of damage manipulation - this is probably my favorite card in the deck. I also added in Robo Subs to fill the bench. This deck is much more consistent and preforms well against most top tier decks like Yveltal and Mega-Rayquaza, but it struggles against Seismitoad.
Pokemon - 18
- 4 Pikachu XY
- 4 Raichu XY
- 4 Wobbuffet PHF
- 2 Eevee PLF
- 2 Leafeon PLF
- 2 Absol ROS
- 3 Trainers' Mail
- 3 Ultra Ball
- 3 Robo Substitute
- 3 VS Seeker
- 2 AZ
- 2 Lysandre
- 3 Professor Sycamore
- 3 N
- 3 Wally
- 2 Teammates
- 3 Sky Field
- 4 Double Colorless Energy
- 6 Psychic Energy
EDIT (June 4, 2015) - Okay so I actually made a major change to this deck and I can say that it helped immensely. I dropped the Manectric line and increased Raichu to a 4-4 line. Additionally, I use 4 Wobbuffet now, not only to bench sit, but also serve as a great opener to shut down Shaymin early game. Absol is another great card that lets me not only fill up the bench even more, but also provide a nice form of damage manipulation - this is probably my favorite card in the deck. I also added in Robo Subs to fill the bench. This deck is much more consistent and preforms well against most top tier decks like Yveltal and Mega-Rayquaza, but it struggles against Seismitoad.
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